The main Soul Eater manga and its anime adaptation follow three meister/weapon partnerships—Maka Albarn and her scythe Soul Eater; Black Star and his shadow weapon Tsubaki Nakatsukasa; and Death the Kid and his twin pistols, Liz and Patty Thompson—who act as field agents for their school and reap the souls of evil humans to prevent them from turning into kishin. The spin-off prequel manga titled Soul Eater NOT!, also created by Ōkubo, follows the everyday lives of three other DWMA students—halberd Tsugumi Harudori and her two meister friends, Meme Tatane and Anya Hepburn.
Soul Eater
Maka Albarn
Maka Albarn (マカ=アルバーン Maka Arubān) is the main female protagonist of Soul Eater. She is a young but dedicated student who takes after her mother, another prodigious meister. However, her relationship with her father Spirit is strained due to his constant flirtations with women, leading her parents to divorce. As such, Maka is obsessed with turning her weapon partner, Soul Eater, into a death scythe that will surpass her 0a She collaborates well with Soul in battle, but is prone to nagging and violent outbursts whenever Soul does something foolish. When in danger, however, Maka does everything she can to keep Soul out of harm's 4 Early in the story, Soul is infected with black blood during their first battle against Crona, which causes Maka to become infected as well, risking her going insane under the black blood's 11 She later gains the some control over the black blood by developing a soul wavelength inherited from her mother called the Anti-Demon Wavelength, which helps her resist the effects of 60 She is also adept at a skill called Soul Perception, which allows her to detect the souls of other people and measure their 2 Later in the story, she is able to detect the souls of witches even when they use their magic to disguise their souls as ordinary human 45 After turning Soul into a death scythe, Maka gains the ability to combine the power of her uniquely shaped soul—called a Grigori soul—with Soul's and grow angelic wings on Soul's weapon form, enabling her to 63 In the anime adaptation, Maka is shown to have demon weapon powers inherited from her father, allowing her to conjure blades from her body while she is unconscious.ep. 51 In the Japanese version of the series, she is voiced by Junko Takeuchi in the 2005 drama CD, and by Chiaki Omigawa in the anime.ep. 1 In the English dub, she is voiced by Laura Bailey.ep. 1Soul Eater Evans
Soul Evans (ソウル=エヴァンス Sōru Evansu)—better known as Soul Eater (ソウル=イーター Sōru Ītā )—is a demon scythe and the partner of Maka Albarn, and the main male protagonist. His weapon form has a-red and-black blade and an eye near its heel which expresses his emotions. He has a laid-back and nonchalant personality and tries to maintain a "cool" attitude, but oftentimes ends up embarrassing himself 0a He tends to bicker with Maka over unimportant things from time to time, but is fiercely loyal to her and has more than once displayed his will to die for his friends' 2 He also fights to resist the madness-inducing effects of black blood, which takes the form of a little ogre who appears within his subconscious, after he is slashed in the chest by Ragnarok and infected with the Demon Sword's 9 As a member of a renowned family of musicians, Soul is a talented pianist, but used his discovery of his weapon powers as an excuse to break ties from the family tradition and pursue the goal of becoming the most powerful death scythe ever. He dislikes being compared to his older brother Wes, a famous violinist, and is often reluctant to play music for other 55 He can use this talent when resonating his soul wavelength with others, playing the piano within his soul to drastically enhance their 36 He manages to become a death scythe after defeating Arachne with Maka and eating her 62 In the Japanese version of the series, he is voiced by Sōichirō Hoshi in the 2005 drama CD, and by Kōki Uchiyama in the anime.ep. 1 In the English dub, he is voiced by Micah Solusod.ep. 1Black Star
Black Star (ブラック☆スター Burakku Sutā, stylized as "Black☆Star") is a ninja and the meister of Tsubaki. He is exceedingly arrogant and loud-mouthed for an assassin, preferring to make a flashy entrance rather than sneaking up on his opponents, and tries to upstage anyone who gains more attention than he 0b He frequently calls himself a "big" man destined to surpass God, thus driving himself to his physical limits and making him one of the most athletic students at DWMA. He is a skilled combatant even when unarmed, using a skill that allows him to increase his own soul wavelength and channel it through physical 2 He is one of the last remaining survivors of the Star Clan, a family of ninjas who slaughtered others for wealth until they were wiped out by DWMA, which took him in as an infant. He is oppressed by anyone who recognizes the clan's symbol, a star-shaped tattoo on his 7 Due to his obsession with power, some believe he will eventually descend down the path towards becoming a kishin like his 39 In the Japanese version of the series, he is voiced by Yumiko Kobayashi in both the 2005 drama CD and anime.ep. 1 In the English dub, he is voiced by Brittney Karbowski.ep. 1Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa (中務 椿 Nakatsukasa Tsubaki) is the weapon partner of Black Star, classified as a "shadow weapon" who has the power to transform into a variety of ninja weapons including a kusarigama, a shuriken, a ninjatō, and a smoke 0b She is gentle, quiet, friendly, and easygoing, and provides a soothing influence among her friends whenever they argue. She is also very patient and tolerant of others, which allows her to put up with Black Star's constant arrogance and showboating, and serves as a highly collaborative partner in 2 Her multiple weapon forms are part of a tradition passed down by her family, descended from the first demon weapons created by 28 She later acquires her most powerful form, the Uncanny Sword, after absorbing the soul of her corrupted brother 8 She primarily takes the form of a black katana in this form, but is eventually able to transform it into other weapons as she ordinarily 49 In the Japanese version of the series, she is voiced by Mamiko Noto in the 2005 drama CD, and by Kaori Nazuka in the anime.ep. 1 In the English dub, she is voiced by Monica Rial.ep. 1Death the Kid
Death the Kid (デス・ザ・キッド Desu za Kiddo) is the meister of the Thompson sisters and the son of Shinigami, born as an extension of Shinigami's being and given his own 72 His status as a shinigami grants him formidable godlike powers such as virtual invincibility, though he suffers from a severe obsessive-compulsive disorder for symmetry—he views anything perfectly balanced on the right and left to be beautiful, and breaks down upon seeing anything off even by the slightest measurement, which hinders him in his daily life and in 0c He wields the Thompson sisters simultaneously and upside-down to preserve his personal symmetry, and refuses to fight using one while the other is 13 He can also summon a flying skateboard called Beelzebub as both transportation and a weapon. Because he is already a polished meister and a shinigami, he is not required to collect souls or attend DWMA, but he does so anyway to create a custom weapon suited to his 0c His most distinguishing feature is the set of three white streaks on the left side of his head called the Lines of Sanzu, which increase his godlike powers for every line that fully wraps around his head, though it depresses him whenever someone mentions them as they are asymmetrical. In the Japanese version of the series, he is voiced by Takako Honda in the 2005 drama CD, and by Mamoru Miyano in the anime.ep. 2 In the English dub, he is voiced by Todd Haberkorn.ep. 2Liz and Patty Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson (エリザベス・トンプソン Erizabesu Tonpuson) and her younger sister Patricia Thompson (パトリシア・トンプソン Patorishia Tonpuson)—better known as Liz (リズ Rizu) and Patty (パティ Pati, spelled as "Patti" in Japanese media), respectively—are the weapon partners of Death the Kid. They both take the form of semi-automatic pistols and compress Kid's soul wavelength and fire it in the form of energy bullets that range in strength from destructive blasts to painful yet non-wound-inducing 3 Both sisters are able to wield the other in their weapon form whenever Kid is 0c As infants, they were abandoned on the streets of Brooklyn and survived by mugging passersby. They originally joined Kid to exploit his wealth and authority as a shinigami, but grew closer to Kid over time and outgrew their 78 Liz is a cynical young woman who always finds Kid's perfectionist attitude annoying, but is also very cowardly and has a fear of ghosts. She is voiced by Yūko Kaida in the 2005 drama CD, Akeno Watanabe in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 2 and Jamie Marchi in the English dub.ep. 2 Patty is an extremely childish girl who is able to maintain a cheerful attitude in any situation, but usually has bouts of psychotic rage to motivate her partners. She is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro in the drama CD,Narumi Takahira in the Japanese anime,ep. 2 and Cherami Leigh in the English dub.ep. 2Soul Eater NOT!
Tsugumi Harudori
Tsugumi Harudori (春鳥 つぐみ Harudori Tsugumi) is the main protagonist of Soul Eater NOT!. She is a weapon transfer student from Japan who attends DWMA's NOT class, and takes the form of a halberd with a dull blade. She is a timid romantic who looks up to Maka, the first student she meets at DWMA, and tries to become more confident by modeling herself after her. She becomes friends with two meister students, Meme Tatane and Anya Hepburn, at the beginning of the story, and initially has trouble choosing her meister partner between the two, but is assigned to become Meme's partner later in the story.Meme Tatane
Meme Tatane (多々音 めめ Tatane Meme) is a meister student from DWMA's NOT class and one of the main protagonists of Soul Eater NOT!. She suffers from short-term memory loss and occasionally forgets her own name. Despite her spacey nature, however, she is very athletic and specializes in a form of martial art called "Sleepy Fist" (睡拳 Suiken, which she can only perform when partially unconscious. She befriends Tsugumi after Tsugumi defends her from being bullied on their first day of class, and takes turns with Anya as Tsugumi's meister partner before being officially assigned to Tsugumi by their class.Anya Hepburn
Anya Hepburn (アーニャ・ヘプバーン Ānya Hepubān), like Meme, is a meister from DWMA's NOT class and a main protagonist of Soul Eater NOT!. Coming from a wealthy upbringing, she acts condescendingly towards other people, referring to them as "commoners", but also tires of her restrictive lifestyle and attends DWMA to better understand commoners. She becomes fascinated by Tsugumi, believing her to be the most average commoner of all, and desires to become her partner. She thus takes turns with Meme to wield Tsugumi before being assigned to another partner, to her dismay.Antagonists
Crona (クロナ Kurona) is Medusa's child and the wielder of Ragnarok (ラグナロク Ragunaroku), a weapon also known as the Demon Sword (魔剣 Maken), which takes the form of a black longsword. Crona is androgynous in appearance, leaving the character's gender unknown,ch. 14 though Crona is addressed with male pronouns in the Yen Press and Funimation translations of the manga and anime, respectively, for convenience. As a child, Crona's blood was replaced with a sanity-detering substance called "black blood" made from Ragnarok's liquefied body. This forms a symbiotic relationship between Crona and Ragnarok, the latter of whom typically appears from Crona's back in a black, vaguely humanoid form when not in his weapon form. Because of Medusa's abuse and Ragnarok's bullying nature, Crona is extremely reclusive and fearful of almost everything. Unlike normal weapon and meister pairs, who synchronize their soul wavelengths to increase their strength, Crona uses a skill called Scream Resonance (悲鳴共鳴 Himei Kyōmei) together with Ragnarok, who emits a scream from the mouth on his weapon form's blade that causes it to vibrate and deak additional damage. The black blood can also harden to prevent physical damage, and can extend from Crona's wounds to be used as an additional 4Crona is forced by Medusa to devour human souls through Ragnarok as part of Medusa's experiment to create a kishin. Crona initially becomes Maka's archenemy after infecting Soul with Ragnarok's black blood during their first encounter,ch. 16 but ends up befriending Maka after she purifies Crona's soul,ch. 19 which causes Ragnarok to shrink into a super deformed 24 Following Medusa's defeat, Crona surrenders to DWMA and enrolls as a trial student, becoming closer to Maka and her friends, but is quickly forced by Medusa to act as her spy within the 31 Later, Crona is kidnapped by Medusa and brainwashed into forgetting Maka and her friends, once again becoming Medusa's test 60 Crona is eventually ordered to be executed by DWMA for destroying an entire city in Ukraine and killing the death scythe Tsar Pushka stationed there, after which Crona is coerced by Medusa into killing her as part of the final stage in Medusa's 87
In the anime adaptation, after carrying out Medusa's orders to drive Franken Stein insane, Crona tries to run away from DWMA out of guilt, but is stopped by Maka and persuaded into admitting the betrayal.ep. 39 Crona is expelled and imprisoned within the school as punishment but, with Shinigami's blessing, is allowed to help rescue Stein from Medusa, who had formed a truce with DWMA that forbids anyone from the organization to harm her. Crona battles Medusa together with Maka and Marie Mjolnir, the latter of whom also temporarily leaves DWMA to accompany Crona.ep. 42 Crona is mortally wounded while defending Maka in the battle,ep. 45 but is brought back to full health by the rescued Stein and becomes a full-time DWMA student.ep. 51 Crona is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 7 and by Maxey Whitehead in the English dub.ep. 7
Witches in Soul Eater are the natural enemies of DWMA, members of which hunt them for their souls as a final ingredient to transform weapons into death scythes, and serve as antagonists in the 0a They possess the natural ability to perform magic, which commonly entices them to follow destructive 61 Similar to how members of DWMA develop skills to help them hunt witches, such as the ability to sense their unique soul wavelengths, witches develop skills to counterbalance DWMA, such as using an ability called Soul Protect to disguise their souls as ordinary ones at will,ch. 5 which also prevents them from using magic for as long as their disguise 9 Each witch in the series themes their name, appearance, and magic after a different animal.Medusa
Medusa (メデューサ Medyūsa) is the first major antagonist introduced in the story. She is a snake-themed witch who contains one thousand magical arrow-shaped snakes inside her body,ch. 9 which she can summon at will to use as weapons called Vector Arrows,ch. 5 or to create arrow-shaped panels on the ground called Vector Plates that throw anyone standing on them in the direction they 17 She is a scientist who researches black blood, a substance that enhances madness within people, and aims to use it as part of her experiment to create a kishin and reshape the world as she sees fit,ch. 15 using her own child Crona as a test 4Prior to the start of the story, Medusa infiltrates DWMA under the guise of a school nurse to find the kishin Asura sealed beneath the school and further her research. She also amasses an entourage to help her revive Asura by injecting him with black 15 She is defeated by Franken Stein shortly after her plan succeeds,ch. 22 but survives by hiding her soul inside a snake, and later possesses the body of a young girl named 29 However, her plans are impeded by the reformation of her older sister Arachne's organization Arachnophobia,ch. 30 so she forms a truce with DWMA to help defeat Arachne, using the Demon Tool Brew as 45 Following Arachne's death, Medusa possesses her sister's body and continues her experiments on Crona,ch. 60 which culminate with Medusa showing Crona affection for the first time in her child's life, intentionally confusing and provoking Crona into killing 87
In the anime adaptation, Medusa uses the truce between her and DWMA to manipulate Stein instead of defeating Arachnophobia. To do so, she forces Crona to implant a magic snake inside of an unsuspecting Marie Mjolnir to worsen Stein's already increasing madness—an act that is present in the manga's plot, but is instead used to keep him from interfering with Medusa's plansch. 32—until he runs away from DWMA and joins her.ep. 41 She battles Maka, Marie, and a repentant Crona until Maka defeats her without harming Rachel's body,ep. 45 though she is shown at the end of the anime to have once again survived in the body of a snake.ep. 51 She is voiced by Houko Kuwashima in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 7 and by Luci Christian in the English dub.ep. 7
Eruka Frog
Eruka Frog (エルカ=フロッグ Eruka Furoggu) is a frog-like witch who Medusa enslaves by infesting her body with countless magical snakes that threaten to kill 9 Her name is an anagram of the Japanese word kaeru, meaning "frog".vol. 3 She carries out various tasks for Medusa with the promise that one of these snakes be removed for every task she 10 She despises Medusa, believing that her plans threaten the existence of all witches. Cowardly in nature, she has the power to transform herself into a frog to escape from danger and spy on others. She can create tadpole-shaped bombs as weapons, and keeps a giant flying tadpole as a mount. The snakes inside her body additionally grant her a telepathic link to Medusa. Keeping with her frog-like nature, she makes croaking sounds whenever she speaks. She is voiced by Misato Fukuen in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 12 and by Kate Oxley in the English dub.ep. 12Free
Free (フリー Furī ), also known as the "Man with the Demon Eye" (魔眼の男 Magan no Otoko , translated as "Man with the Magic Eye" in the Funimation dub), is an immortal werewolf who was imprisoned for 200 years for stealing the left eye of the witches' leader Maba and replacing his own with it, giving him witch-like 10 He is broken out of prison on Medusa's behalf and becomes the witch's minion out of gratitude. Having forgotten his real name while in prison, he calls himself "Free" to celebrate his 10 He is generally carefree and clumsy, which occasionally causes him to injure himself in 11 As a werewolf, he has the power to transform into his lupine form at will, granting him enhanced strength and speed. He also has a rapid healing factor which, combined with his immortality, makes him virtually invincible. The magic eye he stole from Maba gives him access to additional magic powers such as conjuring ice to form weapons, and manipulating space to trap others inside another dimension and create magical projections of 15, 20 He is voiced by Rintarō Nishi in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 12 and by Travis Willingham in the English dub.ep. 12Mizune
Mizune (ミズネ) is the name of a family of identical mouse-like witch sisters, and an anagram of the Japanese word for "mouse", nezumi.vol. 3 There are originally six of them, but the oldest sister is killed by Medusa early in the 9 The remaining five become Medusa's servants after being misled to believe that DWMA is responsible for the death of their 15 They have the ability to transform themselves into mice and create beams of energy in place of whiskers on their face, which can cut through anything. They can also combine their bodies into other forms that increase with age, size, and power depending on how many sisters combine. They are incapable of communicating beyond mouse-like squeaks unless they are in their combined forms. They are voiced by Mayuki Makiguchi in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 12 and by Trina Nishimura in the English dub.ep. 12Shaula
Shaula (シャウラ Shaura) only appears in Soul Eater NOT! as the story's principal antagonist. She is a scorpion witch and the youngest of the three Gorgon sisters. She holds her older sisters Medusa and Arachne in low regard, and is motivated to prove her superiority over them. She commands minions called "Traitors", people who enter Death City solely to challenge DWMA, to gather intelligence on the organization.Kishin
A kishin (鬼神, lit. "demon god") is a godlike being whose soul emits a wavelength that deter the sanity of anyone in its presence. They are typically humans who transform into monsters after devouring a large quantity of human souls. Besides witches, kishin serve as the other major antagonist group in the series, with members of Death Weapon Meister Academy fighting and killing humans who devour souls to prevent them from transforming into kishin.Asura
Asura (阿修羅 Ashura is the first kishin to come into existence 800 years before the story, and the ultimate antagonist of Soul Eater, named after the low-ranking Buddhist deity of the same name.vol. 5 He was originally a meister and one of Shinigami's disciples, the Great Old Ones, who physically embodies madness through fear,ch. 72 reflected by his paranoid tendencies and quirks such as covering his face with bandages and wearing multiple layers of clothing. To quell his constant fear of everything, he swallowed his own weapon Vajra (ヴァジュラ Vajura ) whole, enabling him to devour human souls until he transformed into a kishin, forcing Shinigami to rip off Asura's skin and use it as a container to seal him in beneath the DWMA building, preventing him from 16Early in the story, Asura is resurrected after Medusa's minions inject him with black blood, and escapes after a brief battle with 22 Though his madness wavelength greatly influences the manga's plot, he remains largely absent until he is discovered by Maka to be hiding on the cartoonish moon in the Earth's 90 In the anime adaptation, however, he is found in a mountain range by Arachne, who aims to spread his madness wavelength across the world.ep. 39 Following a second battle against Shinigami, Asura kills Arachne and eats her soul, which transforms into a large monster, to ensure he won't have to fear anything again.ep. 48 He is defeated after Maka confuses him by showing courage instead of fear in his presence, which renders his soul unstable and causes him to explode upon being punched in the face by Maka.ep. 51 He is voiced by Toshio Furukawa in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 24 and by Chris Patton in the English dub.ep. 24
A "clown" (道化師 dōkeshi ) is the name given to any physical embodiment of madness in Soul Eater that takes the form of a vaguely humanoid clown. Clowns begin to surface in the story as a result of Asura's madness wavelength, which is concentrated in certain areas until it takes a physical form. These clowns serve to spread Asura's madness throughout the world, and are capable of driving other humans in their presence 42 They can also transform themselves into armors that increase the physical strength of those who wear them while also enhancing their madness. The first clown introduced in the story is responsible for driving Justin Law insane. Medusa also creates her own artificial clowns for use in her experiments on 66While these clowns only appear in the manga adaptation, a pair of clowns identical in appearance to the first clown appear in the anime adaptation as autonomous robots designed to guard the last demon tool created by Eibon, having devoured everyone in the town where the artifact was hidden twenty years prior. Both clowns are destroyed by Death the Kid. They are voiced by Hirofum Nojima in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 43 and by Jerry Jewell in the English dub.ep. 43
Arachnophobia (アラクノフォビア Arakunofobia) is an organization created by the witch Arachne before she first disappeared 800 years prior to the story. It directly opposes DWMA's ideals of world order, becoming a major antagonistic force in the 26 The group is dissolved after Arachne is killed during DWMA's raid on their base of operations, Baba Yaga's 60ep. 49Arachne
Arachne (アラクネ Arakune ), the leader of Arachnophobia, is the second major antagonist introduced in the series. She is a spider-like witch and the oldest of the Gorgon sisters besides Medusa and Shaula. Called a heretic among her kind, Arachne is responsible for creating the first demon weapons 800 years before the series by combining the souls of witches with humans and ordinary weapons. She went into hiding for 800 years after being betrayed by Medusa and hunted by Shinigami, scattering her body across the world in the form of countless black spiders and hiding her soul inside a golem. She returns to power after Asura awakens and begins spreading his madness wavelength across the world. Her plans involve capturing Asura and plunging the world into madness, though her means of achieving this goal differ between the plots of the manga and its anime adaptation. In the manga, Arachne discards her physical body and transforms her soul into an entity of pure madness, giving her the power necessary to control 58 She is killed by Maka and Soul, who collect her soul and later use it to turn Soul into a death scythe,ch. 62 while Medusa possesses Arachne's lifeless body to use as her 60 In the anime, Arachne succeeds in capturing Asura and uses a demon tool called the Morality Manipulation Machine to amplify his madness wavelength. However, Asura turns on her and eats her soul to increase his own strength even further.ep. 48 She is voiced by Michiko Neya in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 27 and by Stephanie Young in the English dub.ep. 27Mosquito
Mosquito (モスキート Mosukīto) is Arachne's steward and most faithful servant, having managed Arachnophobia during her 26 He appears as a short old man with a long, pointed nose which, true to his name, can drain the blood of a victim to sustain his life and heal 28 He often argues and fights with Giriko, who he hates for his unrefined attitude. Having lived well over 800 years, his body is stated to have taken different forms over time, and can transform into these past stages at will. While a number of these forms are bestial in appearance—his form 100 years prior has a massive, nigh invulnerable upper body,ch. 35 while his form 200 years ago has a slender, agile body and an even larger nosech. 52—his most dangerous known form is that of a handsome man with slicked back hair as he was 400 years prior, which can transform into a legion of 53 He is destroyed by Noah before he has the chance to unleash his ultimate form of 800 years 56 In the anime, he battles Shinigami while piloting Baba Yaga's Castle in the form of a giant mecha to counter the mecha Shinigami transforms Death City into.ep. 47 He is voiced by Takashi Inagaki in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 27 and by Mark Stoddard in the English dub.ep. 27Giriko
Giriko (ギリコ ) is a psychotic, foul-mouthed demon weapon with an insatiable bloodlust, and another loyal follower of Arachne. His weapon form is a chainsaw, but prefers not to fight with a meister and can produce a chain around his body to fight in his human form. He is also an Enchanter, someone with the ability to create golems and bring them to life. He is the creator of the golem Arachne used to hide her soul in 800 years in the past, and used his Enchanter powers to pass his memories down to his children for thirty generations under the name Saw (ソウ Sō) until Arachne's eventual 24, 25 Upon Arachne's defeat, Giriko joins forces with Noah and fights Maka to avenge Arachne,ch. 74 going as far as preparing a new (albeit female) body for himself to continue the battle after his old body is 76 Before he can kill Maka, however, Giriko meets his demise when his soul spontaneously explodes, unable to withstand the bloodlust he maintained for 800 77 He is voiced by Nobutoshi Canna in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 26 and by J. Michael Tatum in the English dub.ep. 26Mifune
Mifune (ミフネ ), named after Toshirō Mifune,vol. 1 is a master samurai and bodyguard of a young witch named Angela Leon (アンジェラ・レオン Anjera Reon). from Despite being an ordinary human, he has a massive soul equivalent to the power of 99 ordinary human souls. He uses a fighting style called the Infinite One-Sword Style (無限一刀流 Mugen Ittōryū), which allows him to fight using dozens of katanas he carries in a large scabbard and scatters around the battlefield. He is fond of children, which originally led him to leave the mafia family he was employed to after being ordered to capture Angela. It is also because of his concern for Angela that he joins Arachnophobia, the only organization he believes is willing to provide Angela's 27 He forms a strong rivalry with Black Star early in the story despite his age,ch. 0b and dies in battle against him during DWMA's raid against Arachnophobia, leaving Angela to be taken into DWMA's custody to prevent her from becoming an enemy. In the anime adaptation, however, he survives the battle and leaves Arachnophobia together with Angela to become a DWMA teacher.ep. 51 He is voiced by Kenjirō Tsuda in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 2 and by Robert McCollum in the English dub.ep. 2Book of Eibon
The Book of Eibon (エイボンの書 Eibon no Sho) is a grimoire written by Eibon that contains all of the wizard's written knowledge. The book contains blueprints for the demon tools created by Eibon, as well as a pocket universe modeled after the book's seven chapters, each based on one of the seven deadly sins. Residing within this world is a mechanical being created by Eibon called the Table of Contents (目次 Mokuji), which aims to spread his creator's knowledge, and the madness that would be caused by it, across the world.Noah
Noah (ノア Noah) is the collective name of a group of artificial beings created by the Table of Contents to assist in the dispersal of Eibon's knowledge, acting as the third major antagonist of the series. The characters are modeled after Grimoire (グリモア Gurimoa), a character designed by Atsushi Ōkubo for the video game Soul Eater: Monotone Princess. Each "Noah" is a personification of a chapter from the Book of Eibon and has a different personality based on the sin transcribed therein, with a new "Noah" being created to take the place of the old one whenever he is killed. They are served by a young man named Gopher (ゴフェル Goferu), who worships Noah fanatically and envies anyone who has his master's attention.The first Noah introduced—who represents the sin greed—aims to collect everything in the world from artifacts to living people and monsters, and store them inside the dimension within the book. He is allied with Asura and serves to protect him, but only so he may add the kishin to his collection once he regains his strength. He wields the Book of Eibon as a weapon to summon various monsters sealed within. He also kidnaps Death the Kid, who is eventually rescued by his friends and kills Noah. This Noah is replaced by an aggressive Noah representing wrath.
Other characters
Death Weapon Meister Academy (死神武器職人専門学校 Shinigami Buki Shokunin Senmon Gakkō )—called DWMA (死武専 Shibusen) for short—is an international organization founded and headed by Shinigami, the Grim Reaper, to preserve world order and prevent the birth of another kishin after Asura. Its main headquarters in the fictional Death City in Nevada, United States serves as a training facility for young meisters and weapons to hone their powers.Shinigami
Shinigami (死神), also named Death (デス Desu),ch. 31 is the Grim Reaper, the father of Death the Kid, and the founder and headmaster of Death Weapon Meister 0a He is also the former leader of the Great Old Ones, and the personification of madness through law and order, reflected by his desire to maintain peace in the world and his aversion towards 72 After defeating his former disciple Asura 800 years before the story, Shinigami bound his entire soul around Death City to keep Asura sealed underground. Unable to leave the city because of this, he founded DWMA to train meisters and weapons to prevent more kishin from surfacing, and to create death scythes to help him maintain the peace.He is goofy in appearance and behavior, wearing a cartoonish skull mask and speaking with a playful singsong tone. He also possesses a pair of large white hands resembling foam hands which he uses to perform a karate chop as a form of discipline for those who act out of 0a He once had a more menacing and realistic appearance, which he changed to his current look after his old one inadvertently frightened his younger 22 His primary death scythe partner is Spirit, Maka's father, who he is eager to wield since he is the only death scythe who actually is a scythe prior to Soul's transformation into 23 He prefers to remain in a special chamber in DWMA building called the Death Room, which others can contact through mirrors and reflective 0a In the Japanese version of the series, he is voiced by Ryūsuke Ōbayashi in the 2005 drama CD, and by Rikiya Koyama in the anime.ep. 1 In the English dub, he is voiced by John Swasey.ep. 1
Death scythes
Death scythes (デスサイズス desu saizusu) are the most powerful form of weapons in Soul Eater, and a title given to weapons worthy of being wielded by Shinigami. The creation of a death scythe is one of the goals that DWMA students must accomplish, which can only be done by slaying and collecting the souls of 99 evil humans and one witch in that order, or else the souls they collect will be confiscated, forcing them to start 0a A total of eight death scythes are given jurisdiction of a particular world region to help maintain 23Death Scythe
Spirit Albarn (スピリット=アルバーン Supiritto Arubān ), also named Death Scythe (デスサイズ Desu Saizu), is Maka's father and the sole death scythe resident to DWMA at the start of the series, with jurisdiction over North America. His weapon form is a scythe with a black blade and a cross-shaped 5 He is divorced from his wife, his second meister partner and the one who turned him into a death scythe, for constantly cheating on her. His relationship with Maka is also strained due to his lecherous behavior, but he nevertheless dotes on her and tries to earn her 0a He acts primarily as a consort for Shinigami, but is assigned as the weapon partner of Franken Stein, his first meister, after Stein is hired as a teacher at DWMA at the start of the 5 He is later reassigned to being Shinigami's full-time weapon partner after he escapes being captured by Medusa and helps Stein battle her,ch. 18 leaving Shinigami unarmed and unable to subdue the revived 23 In the Japanese version of the series, he is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the 2005 drama CD, and by Tōru Ōkawa in the anime.ep. 1 In the English dub, he is voiced by Vic Mignogna.ep. 1Marie Mjolnir
Marie Mjolnir (マリー・ミョルニル Marī Myoruniru ) is the death scythe with jurisdiction over Oceania. Her weapon form differs between the manga and anime—in the manga, she takes the form of a small black hammer that can transform into a tonfa, the length of which increases with her wielder's soul wavelength,ch. 61 while in the anime, her weapon form is a large gray tonfa by default.ep. 45 She wears an eyepatch covering her left eye adorned with a lightning-bolt-shaped symbol that is present on her weapon form. She is carefree and absent-minded, and easily gets lost in the basement of DWMA with her poor sense of 24 She is also lovelorn, having gone through a string of failed relationships with people such as Franken Stein and Joe Buttataki, and desperately wishes to get married. She chose to oversee Oceania for the light workload provided with the job, believing it would allow her to focus on finding another boyfriend and settling 23Her soul wavelength has a soothing influence on those inflicted with madness, for which she replaces Spirit as Stein's weapon 23 Medusa takes advantage of this by forcing Crona to secretly place a magic snake inside a cup of tea that she drinks, causing her to unknowingly worsen Stein's 32 However, she later removes the snake on her own after J.B. discovers 38 Following J.B.'s murder, Marie travels with Stein to find the culprit, eventually learning it to be Justin 61 She participates in the battle for Asura on the moon, avenging J.B.'s death together with Stein by killing Justin.
In the anime adaptation, Marie fails to discover the snake inside her body until after it causes Stein to run away from DWMA and join Medusa.ep. 41 Determined to rescue Stein, she temporarily leaves DWMA to avoid the non-aggression pact between the school and Medusa, and accompanies Crona in a strained partnership to defeat Medusa.ep. 44 After she restores Stein's sanity with her Anti-Demon Wavelength and Medusa is defeated by Maka, she returns to DWMA and reconciles with Crona.ep. 49 She is voiced by Chieko Honda in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 25 and by Colleen Clinkenbeard in the English dub.ep. 25
Azusa Yumi
Azusa Yumi (弓 梓 Yumi Azusa, translated as "Yumi Azusa" in the Funimation dub) is the death scythe in charge of Eastern Asia. She was the president of her class as a DWMA student, often scolding Spirit for flirting and Stein for his experiments, and treats others like children even as an 23 Her weapon form is a crossbow fitted with a rifle scope that compresses and fires her meister's soul wavelength as ammunition. Her high accuracy allows her to shoot a target up to 10 km away with a 1 mm margin of error. She is very analytical in battle, using a clairvoyant ability that allows her to synchronize with another person and see through their eyes, form maps of areas, calculate distances, and copy visual data at extreme 25 She is voiced by Yukana in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 25 and by Brina Palencia in the English dub.ep. 25Justin Law
Justin Law (ジャスティン=ロウ Jasutin Rō) is the death scythe in charge of Western Europe. He dresses in the garb of a Catholic priest, and worships Shinigami as his 23 He constantly listens to blaring music through earphones, which blocks his hearing, though he is capable of understanding others through lip reading. He takes the form of a guillotine, and is capable of fighting without a meister partner by transforming his arms and parts of his lower body into blades and the frame of his weapon form, and increasing his own soul wavelength through prayer. He is noted by other characters for having turned himself into a death scythe on his own at the age of twelve, becoming the youngest weapon student at DWMA to become a death 26Later in the story, Justin is found to have been driven insane by Asura's madness wavelength, causing him to replace Shinigami with the kishin as his 61 He defects from DWMA after murdering Joe Buttataki and framing Stein for it, and briefly joins forces with Noah until he finds Asura on the 80 He battles twice with his former friend Tezca Tlipoca, who burns and deforms the left half of his face in their second 86 He participates in the battle between DWMA and Asura as one of the kisnin's minions,ch. 91 and is later killed by Stein and Marie. He is voiced by Yoshinori Fujita in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 25 and by Eric Vale in the English dub.ep. 25
Tezca Tlipoca
Tezca Tlipoca (テスカ・トリポカ Tesuka Toripoka) is the death scythe with jurisdiction over South America. He is a man who wears an oversized mask that completely covers his head. His masks are shaped like different animal heads, such as a bear and a mouse. His weapon form is a mirror that is attachable to his meister's leg and can create illusions, such as an exact duplicate of whoever looks at him. He also has the power to absorb sunlight and fire it back at others as an incinerating beam. His meister partner is a monkey named Enrique (猿里華 Enrike ), who speaks through unintelligible growling noises that only Tezca can understand. Tezca was once close friends with Justin Law, and is devastated by his 67 Against Shinigami's orders, he fakes his own death to follow Justin in an attempt to bring him back to his senses, only to be killed in the ensuing fight with 86 However, his soul survives and he remains able to communicate with others by appearing in 87Tsar Pushka
Tsar Pushka (ツァーリ・プーシュカ Tsāri Pūshuka) is the death scythe in charge of Eastern Europe. His weapon form is a small cannon that attaches itself to his meister's leg and launches an oversized cannonball. He can transform his head alone into a cannonball attached to his back with a cable, allowing him to swing and retract it at will. His meister is Feodor (フョードル Fyōdoru), who can use a fighting style resembling the Cossack 82, 83 Both Tsar and Feodor are stationed in Ukraine, where they are killed in battle against 87Deng Dinga and Djinn Garan
Deng Dinga (デング・ディンガ Dengu Dinga) and Djinn Garan (ジン・ガラン Jin Garan) are the death scythes with jurisdiction over Africa and Western Asia, respectively, introduced in the story as participants in the battle against Asura and his 90 Deng's weapon form, called a "rainbow axe", is a single-handed hatchet that draws a rainbow arc when swung by his nameless meister. Djinn takes the form of a oil lamp that is wielded by his meister Zubaydah (ズバイダ Zubaida ), and has the power to transform into a jinn-like creature that emerges from the nozzle of his own weapon 91Staff
Franken Stein
Franken Stein (フランケン・シュタイン Furanken Shutain) is a mad scientist hired to work as a teacher at DWMA early in the story. He views everything in the world as a specimen to be experimented on, including himself. He has a large screw sticking through the side of his head, and his skin and clothes are interweaved with stitches. He normally serves as a kindly father figure to his students, though he suffers from chronic bouts of madness that compel him to try and dissect anything in sight. Other than being a scientist, Stein is considered to be the most powerful meister to ever graduate from 1 He uses his Soul Perception ability to read his opponents' souls and use the data he acquires against them. He works well with many weapon partners, including his childhood partner and Shinigami's current weapon Spirit—who he experimented on in his sleep—and his old flame Marie 23 Even without a weapon, Stein is a master martial artist and can perform potent attacks with his soul wavelength 2Following Asura's resurrection, Stein's insanity worsens under the effects of the kishin's spreading madness wavelength to the point where Marie is assigned by Shinigami to be his weapon, her soothing soul wavelength quelling his 23 However, he falls victim to Medusa's plans after she has Crona plant a magical snake inside Marie that worsens Stein's condition even more,ch. 32 though the snake is discovered by Joe Buttataki and 38 He is later framed for J.B.'s murder, but his companions refuse to believe he is the killer and allow him to evade arrest,ch. 39 eventually leading him to track down the true culprit, Justin 61 He is assigned as one of the participants in the battle between DWMA and Asura on the moon, where his madness is increased to such extremes that he begins to exhibit behavior not unlike that of a kishin.
In the anime adaptation, the snake in Marie's body is left undiscovered, driving Stein completely insane and causing to leave DWMA and join Medusa.ep. 41 He is later rescued by Maka, Crona, and Marie, the last of whom returns him to normal with her soul wavelength.ep. 45 In the Japanese version of the series, he is voiced by Mitsuru Miyamoto in the 2005 drama CD, and by Yūya Uchida in the anime.ep. 4 In the English dub, he is voiced by Chuck Huber.ep. 4
Sid Barrett
Sid Barrett (死人・バレット Shido Baretto) is a DWMA teacher and meister who is fatally stabbed in the head with a miniature Statue of Liberty and revived as a zombie by Franken Stein at the beginning of the story as part of a remedial lesson for Maka, Soul, Black Star, and 1, 2 His name is a pun on the words 死, meaning "dead", and 人, meaning "person".vol. 1 He frequently refers to himself as "the kind of man he was" when he was alive despite how behaves exactly the same way as if he was never killed. He is also a surrogate father to Black Star, who he had spared and taken in as an infant during DWMA's extermination of the Star 57 He employs ninja-like skills in battle, using his powers as a zombie to instantaneously burrow underground and surprise his opponent. His weapon partner Mira Naigus (ミーラ・ナイグス Mīra Naigusu, spelled as "Mila Naigus" in the Funimation dub) takes the form of a combat knife and specializes in setting traps such as tripwires and 35 Naigus also acts as DWMA's physical education teacher,ch. 45 and replaces Medusa as the school 27 In the Japanese version of the series, Sid is voiced by Susumu Akagi in the 2005 drama CD, and by Masafumi Kimura in the anime.ep. 3 In the English dub, he is voiced by Kent Williams.ep. 3Joe Buttataki
Joe Buttataki (ブッ叩き・ジョー Buttataki Jō), nicknamed "J.B." ("B.J." in the Japanese version), is a character introduced following the first major battle between DWMA and Arachnophobia, and thus his role completely differs between the diverging storylines of the manga and its anime adaptation. In the manga, he is a member of DWMA's internal affairs division from Oceania who specializes in lie detection through his highly developed Soul Perception ability, which allows him to read the souls of witches even while they disguise themselves with Soul 38 He has a past romance with Marie Mjolnir, who he broke up with prior to the start of the story out of concern that his Soul Perception would disrupt their relationship. He is called to Death City to help uncover an enemy mole within DWMA, Justin Law, who determines his Soul Perception to be a threat to Asura and murders 39, 62 In the anime, J.B. is a member of DWMA's research and development division, again from Oceania, who is summoned to build a machine out of the demon tools created by Eibon that allows Shinigami to transform all of Death City into a giant mecha and capture Asura.ep. 46 Both versions of the character share a fondness for 38ep. 38 He is voiced by Atsushi Ono in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 37 and by Jason Douglas in the English dub.ep. 37Students
The students of DWMA are divided into two separate classes—the Normally Overcome Target (NOT) class, which is made up of 90% of the school's students and serves to teach them how to control their powers and adapt to everyday life; and the Especially Advanced Talent (EAT) class, in which the remaining 10% are trained as combatants. The main protagonists of Soul Eater attend the school's EAT class, while the spin-off manga Soul Eater NOT! focuses on students from the NOT class. Later in the main story, a unit of elite meister and weapon students called Spartoi (スパルトイ Suparutoi)—also called the DWMA Junior Elite Corps (死武専若手精鋭部隊 Shibusen Wakate Seiei Butai)—is formed by the main protagonists in addition to students Ox Ford, Kilik Rung, and Kim Diehl and their weapon 62Ox Ford
Ox Ford (オックス・フォード Okkusu Fōdo) is a meister and honors student who attends DWMA's EAT class. He is a bookworm who takes his studies very seriously, but considers himself to be a great warrior in battle, calling himself the "Great General Lightning King". His weapon partner is Harvar D. Éclair (ハーバー・ド・エクレール Hābā Do Ekurēru), who takes the form of a spear with a head shaped like a lightning bolt, allowing him to conjure electricity. Ox has a shaved head with two spikes of hair on the sides of his head, which he takes great pride in. He has a mostly one-sided love for Kim Diehl, and is instrumental in persuading her to return to DWMA after she defects and is brainwashed into serving Arachnophobia, going as far as ripping out his hair to prove his loyalty to her, and growing out a full head of hair at her request. Ox is voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 14 and by Josh Grelle in the English dub.ep. 14Kilik Rung
Kilik Rung (キリク・ルング Kiriku Rungu) is an EAT class meister whose weapon partners, the Pot of Fire (ポット・オブ・ファイア Potto obu Faia) and Pot of Thunder (ポット・オブ・サンダー Potto obu Sandā), take the form of a pair of large gauntlets. Fire and Thunder are twin brother and sister, respectively, who never speak but have the ability to communicate with nature and sense danger. As per his weapons' namesakes, Kilik is able to produce fire and electricity from the Pots while wielding them, allowing him to collaborate well with Ox Ford and Kim Diehl, who he is close friends with. Kilik is voiced by Kenichi Suzumura in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 18 and by Joel McDonald in the English dub.ep. 18Kim Diehl
Kim Diehl (キム・ディール Kimu Dīru) is an EAT class meister who has a tendency to charge money from others while performing tasks for them. She is the object of fellow student Ox Ford's affections, though she is oftentimes annoyed by his romantic advances. She is later revealed to be a tanuki witch who possesses regenerative powers, allowing her to heal both herself and others when injured, going against the typically destructive nature of other witches. She keeps her true nature a secret from DWMA out of fear of what they would do to her. Her weapon is Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupré (ジャクリーン・オー・ランタン・デュプレ Jakurīn Ō Rantan Dyupure), nicknamed Jackie (ジャッキー Jakkī), who takes the form of a square hand lantern. Kim wields Jacqueline like a flamethrower in battle, and can extend her handle to use her as an airborne mode of transportation. Jacqueline is aware of Kim's witch status and helps her keep it a secret.After Kim's secret is exposed by Medusa, she and Jacqueline flee DWMA together and, with nowhere else to go, reluctantly join Arachnophobia. They are brainwashed into serving the organization, but are later returned to normal by Ox and Harvar and allowed to return to DWMA. Kim's witch status is never revealed in the anime adaptation, however. Kim and Jacqueline's relationship prior to their partnership is expanded upon in the prequel/spin-off manga Soul Eater NOT!, where Kim bullies other students into giving her money, including Jacqueline, but the two become friends after Jacqueline discovers her nature as a witch and promises to keep it a secret. Kim is voiced by Chiwa Saitō in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 32 and by Caitlin Glass in the English dub.ep. 32
Akane Hoshi
Akane Hoshi (星☆茜 Hoshi Akane, stylized as "Akane☆Hoshi") is a meister and DWMA student introduced in Soul Eater NOT! as a member of the NOT class. Together with Black Star, he is one of the last remaining survivors of the Star Clan eradicated by DWMA. His left eye has a star-shaped mark over its iris as a sign of his lineage, which he covers with his hair fringes. His weapon partner is Clay Sizemore (クレイ・サイズモア Kurei Saizumoa), who takes the form of a longsword. Akane and Clay appear in the main storyline after having graduated from their class as members of DWMA's personal Central Intelligence Agency, and participate in the battle on the moon to help defeat Asura and his 90Great Old Ones
The Great Old Ones (グレート・オールド・ワン Gurēto Ōrudo Wan, alternatively written as 旧支配者, meaning "Old Ruler"), also known as the Eight Shinigami Legions (死神八武衆 Shinigami Hachi Bushū, translated as "Death's Eight Guardians" in the Funimation dub), are a group of warriors originally commanded by Shinigami to maintain order in the world before the construction of DWMA 800 years prior to the start of the 16 Among these warriors was Asura, who killed three of them after turning into a kishin. The surviving warriors, including Shinigami and Asura, each physically embody a particular emotion or state of being that invoke madness within other 72 A nameless Great Old One exists in the Book of Eibon in the form of a black, amorphous blob embodying madness through power, and gives Black Star and Death the Kid the ability to amplify their own madness wavelengths and increase their own 80Excalibur
Excalibur (エクスカリバー Ekusukaribā, also known as the Holy Sword (聖剣 Seiken), is the most powerful weapon in the Soul Eater 6 While not explicitly stated, he is suggested to be the Great Old One who physically embodies madness through 77 His weapon form is a single-handed sword of intricate design, while his alternate form is a short, cartoonish creature with a long snout and large eyes, and dressed in a white suit and top hat. Regarded as "legendary" for granting superhuman powers such as the ability to fly and move faster the speed of light, he is sought out by several characters and can be wielded by anyone with little effort. However, he regularly alienates potential meisters with his extremely obnoxious and egotistical tendencies, which include ignoring and interrupting others while they are speaking, rambling at length about nonsensical subjects, singing songs about himself, and forcing potential meisters to carry out one thousand outrageous tasks such as a five-hour reading of an autobiography written by him, among other things.ep. 17 When without a meister, Excalibur spends his time in his weapon form embedded in a cavern shrine in Great Britain,ch. 6 annoying the fairies that inhabit the area. He is voiced by Takehito Koyasu in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 9 and by Troy Baker in the English dub.ep. 9Eibon
Eibon (エイボン) is the physical embodiment of madness through 72 He is the author of the Book of Eibon, which contains blueprints of several other artifacts called demon tools (魔道具 madōgu, "magic tools" in the Funimation dub) that DWMA and Arachnophobia attempt to 31 The most powerful of these demon tools is "Brew", a small mechanical cube that possesses the power to drastically increase the soul wavelength of anyone who holds it. In the anime adaptation, Eibon allied with Arachne 800 years in the past to cure his lover from a fatal illness and, after failing, transformed himself into a demon tool used to unlock Brew as penance.ep. 46 He is voiced by Yasuyuki Kase in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 43 and by Christopher Sabat in the English dub.ep. 43Other
Blair (ブレア Burea) is a black cat with exceptionally strong magic powers, including the power to transform into a young, alluring human woman among other spells, such as conjuring pumpkin-shaped explosions and summoning a giant flying pumpkin for transportation. Her name is derived from The Blair Witch Project.vol. 1 She is mistaken for a witch by Maka and Soul at the beginning of the story, forcing them to restart their soul collection after they collect her soul, which she survives since cats have nine 0a She has a flirtatious relationship with Soul and moves in with him and Maka for this reason, much to Soul's dismay and Maka's 1 Despite this, the two are able to generally tolerate her presence, though Soul suffers from nosebleeds whenever he sees her doing something risqué, such as wandering around their apartment 9 In the Japanese version of the series, she is voiced by Yuko Sasamoto in the 2005 drama CD, and by Emiri Katō in the anime.ep. 1 In the English dub, she is voiced by Leah Clark.ep. 1Little ogre
The little ogre (小さな鬼 chiisana oni, renamed "little demon" in the Funimation dub) is a being who appears in Soul's subconscious after he is infected by Ragnarok's black blood, taking the form of a small, red oni in a black double-breasted 9 He periodically tempts Soul through his interests in music with power that can only be obtained through the black blood, hoping to spread its influence to 18 While Soul usually accepts his offers in desperate situations, the ogre is ignored for the most part. In the anime adaptation, the ogre is described as being Soul's alter ego created by the black blood. He almost succeeds in taking control of Soul during the final battle against Asura, but is thwarted when Maka salvages what remains of Soul's mind using her Anti-Demon Wavelength. The ogre is then swallowed whole by Soul as a mock-gesture of being accepted as a part of him.ep. 50 He is voiced by Hōchū Ōtsuka in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 12 and by Barry Yandell in the English dub.ep. 12Masamune
Masamune (マサムネ ) is Tsubaki's older brother. He is a weapon called the Uncanny Sword (妖刀 Yōtō , translated as "Enchanted Sword" in the Funimation dub), a black katana that can manipulate his meister's shadow and use it as a 7 He is jealous of his sister for inheriting most of their family's weapon forms, leading him to devour human souls by possessing them through his weapon form, which nearly transforms him into a kishin. He is defeated by Tsubaki in a metaphysical battle after she merges her soul with his, after which Tsubaki absorbs his soul and gains his 8 He is voiced by Hiroshi Tsuchida in the Japanese version of the anime,ep. 10 and by Kyle Hebert in the English dub.ep. 10
Souls are probably the most important thing in the Soul Eater series,
and the centerpiece of the plot. It is the origin of all the
characters' and is a manifestation of each character's personality,
psyche and abilities. People with special types of soul can utilize
different powers and abilities (e.g Maka's Grigori
Soul enables her to fly). Souls can come in many different variations,
differing in type and strength. Souls are important in the DWMA(
also known as Shibusen) as Meisters can only wield Weapons that are
compatible with each other's souls. The true power of Weapon and Meister
can be exerted by them resonating their souls together, a Soul Resonance,
which is a process of the Meister sending his/her Soul Wavelength into
the Weapon, which sends back the Wavevlength to the Meister. This
process is repeated until a single, even greater, Soul Wavelength is
made, which enables them to use powerful attacks.
The importance of souls in the series is emphasized in the manga, in which the protagonist, Maka, utters the phrase, "A sound soul dwells in a sound mind and a sound body".
Inside a Soul
As well as containing a person's thoughts, emotions and personality, a soul in the Soul Eater series also seems to contain a sort of spiritual dimension within itself. These spiritual dimensions seems to reflect the person's personality. For example, Soul Eater Evans's spiritual dimension is The Black Room a dark room with a red and black checkered floor with red curtains, a record player and a piano surrounded by tall eye-shaped candlewicks with blue flames. This reflects his sarcastic twisted personality, as well as his affiliation to music and it also takes in the insanity from the Black Blood into account as well. In their soul's spiritual dimension, the owner of the soul resides inside it as a sort of spiritual avatar. Both the physical person and this avatar seem to be linked and of one and the same. The avatar in the spiritual dimension takes on a certain appearance and wears a certain attire, to match the environment around it. So Soul Eater Evans in his Black Room wears a black pin-striped suit with a red dress shirt and tie when in The Black Room. However, especially in the anime, the avatar's appearance sometimes changes, and is sometimes the same as the person in physical form. Crona's original spiritual dimension is described by Maka as being, "very dry, like a beach with no ocean". Crona's avatar is him/herself as a child.When someone resonates with the person, their avatar can enter the other person's spiritual dimension. In doing so, their appearance and their attire also changes to match the spiritual dimension of the person they are resonating with. When Maka enters The Black Room, she wears a black dress, and her attire matches with Soul's in terms of atmosphere and formality.
It is possible for a separate entity, such as Little Ogre and Masamune to exist in a person's spiritual dimension. Also, depending on the person's situation, mental state etc. the spiritual dimension is shown to alter in appearance from time to time, although almost always reverting back to normal.
Soul Wavelength
Soul Wavelengths vary in strengths and frequencies, depending on how strong and big the soul is, and also on the health of the person concerned. Individuals who have large souls have a powerful Wavelength, and if they have good control of their Wavelength, they can generate it and exert it freely through their bodies in the form of an electricity-like surge in combat. Several moves, like Black Star's attacks, are made possible through the use of Soul Wavelengths. Soul Wavelengths, like souls, seem to have some different types with certain properties, such as Maka's Anti-demon Wavelength and Marie's Healing Wavelength.
Soul Wavelength is the key element in Soul Resonance, and is also important in a Meister and Weapon partnership. A Meister and Weapon can only become sufficient partners if their Soul Wavelengths match with each other (see article Weapons) and Soul Wavelength is also the link in between the spiritual dimensions within a person's soul. Spiritual avatars can only enter spiritual dimensions of other people if their Soul Wavelengths are resonating.
It is possible to spread a person's Soul Wavelength throughout a great distance, or resonate with people over long distances as long as there is some sort of medium that is available, like a communication device, or in Maka and Soul's case, Arachne's spider threads. It can even be transmitted via sound.
A Soul Wavelength can influence a person, or a group of people, with differing results. An Insanity Wavelength can cause havoc on someone's mental state, and applying a Soul Wavelength as an attack to someone can cause great damage. However, there are also more positive influences, such as Soul Resonance, and if the bond between Meister and Weapon is strong, one can influence the other via their Soul Wavelength to break out of even a strong Insanity Wavelength.
Soul Types
There are many types of souls, the main are:
- Cat Souls: The soul of a cat, it's purple in colour and every cat has nine of them. (Only one cat's soul has actually been seen and since it belonged to a magic cat, a real cat's soul is probably a different colour)
- Human Souls: the soul of an ordinary human. Although individual souls vary greatly in this category (a Meister's soul is considerably more powerful than a normal human's soul), all humans (Demon Weapons included) are under this category. Regular Human souls are a deep blue colour but there are some humans, such as Mosquito, who's souls are not blue but could be any number of colours.
- Witch Souls: the soul of a Witch (Or a general magic user). A Witch Soul is very powerful and has magical properties. Because of this, all Witches share a similar Wavelength. Witch souls are typically purple. Blair, while technically not a witch, has a similar soul.
- Shinigami Souls: the soul of a shinigami is human-like but is naturally more powerful since they are gods.
- Immortal Souls: the soul of an immortal. It is green in colour and is more powerful than a human's soul.
- Kishin Eggs (Anime only): the soul of an Evil human. The soul of an Evil Human was once a normal human soul. However, by becoming evil and through consuming other innocent human souls, the soul of the human loses its humanity and turns into a Kishin Egg. If the Evil Human is left alone to eat more souls, it shall come under the risk of becoming a powerful Kishin like Asura. Kishin Egg Souls are Deep red with hexagonal plates attached to the outside and an even deeper red core at it's center, most likely the Kishin embryo.
Consuming Souls
In the Soul Eater series, there are three known entities that can consume souls: Demon Weapons, Evil Humans, and the Kishin Asura.Weapons of the DWMA only consume evil souls (Kishin Eggs in the anime) and souls of Witches. They are prohibited to eat souls of a normal human. Kishin Eggs and Witch Souls give a Weapon power and energy, and if a Weapon consumes 99 Kishin Eggs and 1 Witch Soul, his/her power grows tremendously and will be classed as a Death Scythe. A Weapon who is a Death Scythe is more powerful than an ordinary Weapon, and is granted special abilities, influenced by the magical power that a Witch Soul has.
Demon Weapons of the DWMA are not allowed to eat innocent human souls. Although the purity of a human soul grants the Weapon a massive amount of power, this power will run the risk of turning the Weapon insane (similar to Ragnarok) and this can lead to havoc.
Weapons absorb souls in different ways. Most of them collect them in Weapons form (e.g. Nygus absorbs souls by drawing them into her holster in Weapon Form). However, Soul Evans is one of the unique exceptions. He consumes souls in a similar fashion to Evil Humans, by eating them directly. According to Soul, Kishin Eggs have no taste, but they have an irresistible texture.
Grim Reapers like Death the Kid have a unique ability called Konso which lets them store souls in their body without actually consuming them.
All souls, however different they are in appearance, all share the same basic shape: a round ball about the size of a grapefruit (this may vary) with a flame-like tail, similar to the Hitodama depicted in ancient Japanese myth.With enough power, an individual can cause their souls (along with their Soul Wavelength) to increase in size, up until they completely engulf their body itself. When resonating, their souls are also known to change shape.
Each person's souls differ in appearance, color, size, strength, the strength of the Soul Wavelength etc.
- Soul & Ragnarok are the only weapons that have been shown eating souls.
- It was revealed when Soul became a Death Scythe that Maka's soul is an "Angel" (Grigori) type, meaning it features wings (Similar to her twin tails) that give her and Soul the ability to fly. These souls appear roughly once in fifty thousand instances. The only other known person with this soul type is Gopher.
- "A Sound Soul Dwells Within a Sound Mind and a Sound Body"
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