Spider Riders

Based on a series of science fiction novels by Tedd Anasti, Patsy Cameron Anasti, and Stephen D. Sullivan, the 30-minute anime series Spider Riders got under way when the hero, 13-year-old Hunter Steele, chased a spider into a cave and emerged in the underground world of Arachna. Here Hunter linked up with a group of fearless warriors, all youngsters like himself, led by Prince Lumen, Arachna's rightful ruler. It was the avowed purpose of Lumen's "Spider Riders" to do battle with the evil insect mutants who had overrun Arachna, and it so happened that the young warriors had been awaiting the arrival of an "Earthian" like Hunter, who according to legend would either prove to be the Spider Riders' salvation...or destruction. In keeping with the time-honored anime "mech" concept, each Spider Rider was outfitted with a personalized "battle spider" (Hunter's battle spider was named Shadow), and each toted a specialized weapon. The villainous Invectids, comprised of common garden-variety insects who had grown to enormous and frightening proportions, also boasted their own personalized mechs, bearing such names as "Smashhopper" and "Praying Mantik."


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