Fairy Tail manga and anime series features an extensive cast of characters
created by Hiro Mashima. The series takes place in a fictional universe called
Earthland, primarily in the Fiore Kingdom, where several of its residents are
able to perform various forms of magic. Those who practice magic as a
profession, referred to as wizards (魔導士 madōshi?), join guilds where they share information and perform
paid jobs for clients. The series' storyline follows a group of wizards from
the rambunctious titular guild.
main characters of the series are Lucy Heartfilia, a celestial wizard who joins
the Fairy Tail guild, and Natsu Dragneel, a fire wizard known as a Dragon
Slayer who is searching for his adoptive dragon father Igneel. During the early
part of the series, they form a team with Happy, a flying cat and friend of
Natsu; Gray Fullbuster, an ice wizard; Erza Scarlet, an S-Class wizard who
specializes in using various weapons and armors; Wendy Marvell, a young air
sorceress; and Carla, Wendy's flying cat partner. Over the course of the
series, Lucy and Natsu interact with and befriend other wizards in the guild as
well as in other cities and guilds in Fiore, and even some characters from
other worlds. They also encounter various antagonists from illegal
"dark" guilds, and Zeref, an ancient wizard who is sought out by
several of the series' villains.
creating the series, Mashima was influenced by Akira Toriyama, J.R.R. Tolkien
and Yudetamago and based the guild on a local bar. He also used people as
references in designing other characters. The characters have been
well-received overall.
of the protagonists of the Fairy Tailseries. Clockwise from top: Happy, Natsu
Dragneel, Cana Alberona, Loke, Gray Fullbuster,Lucy Heartfilia, Elfman Strauss
and Makarov Dreyar.
Creation and conception
When Hiro Mashima was creating Fairy Tail, he cited Akira
Toriyama, J. R. R. Tolkien and Yudetamago as influences in his works. Mashima
based the titular guild on a local bar he was visiting at the time. He based
Natsu Dragneel on his early years as a junior high school student. Mashima also
based Natsu's motion sickness on one of his friends, who gets sick when taking
taxis together. For the relationship between Natsu and Igneel, Mashima cited
his father's death as an influence.
When Funimation Entertainment acquired the license to dub Fairy
Tail, Mashima was worried about Todd Haberkorn voicing Natsu since he had a lot
of yelling in the series. ADR Director Tyler Walker revealed that a "Fairy
Tail tea" was made to accommodate the voice actors after each recording
Fairy Tail
The protagonists of the series are part of Fairy Tail (妖精の尻尾フェアリーテイル)
Fearī Teiru?), the titular wizard's guild of the series. It is considered to be
one of the most powerful guilds in the series.[ch. 210] However, its members
are infamous for being rambunctious and causing extensive collateral damage
during missions.[ch. 2] For this reason, the Fairy Tail guild is seen as a
nuisance by the Magic Council despite the guild members' heroic deeds, to the
extent that the Magic Council actively tries to disband the guild.[ch. 200]
Fairy Tail's guildhall is stationed in Magnolia, a city located on
the southern coast of the fictional country of Fiore.[ch. 1] It is first
depicted as a two-story public house with a pyramidal design. The first floor
of the building serves as a lunch hall for its guild members to hang out, and
contains a bulletin board where job requests are posted.[ch. 2] The guild's
most dangerous job requests, called S-Class jobs, are posted in the second
floor of the building, which only S-Class wizards, who are officially
recognized as the guild's most powerful members, are permitted to enter.[ch.
24] Eventually, the guildhall is destroyed by Phantom Lord, a rival guild, but
is later rebuilt as a larger, more extravagant Gothic building. This building
adds architectural features such as a stage, a recreation room, an outdoor gift
shop, swimming pool, and café.[ch. 103] All of the guild's members are also
permitted to enter the upper floors of the second building, but only S-Class
wizards are permitted to take the S-Class job.[ch. 103] Seven years after the
primary guild members' disappearance on Tenrou Island, the guild loses most of
its members and is re-stationed in a rundown building even smaller than the
first guildhall.
There have been five guild masters over the course of the series.
The first is Mavis Vermillion, the founder of the guild who dies at a young
age. Mavis is succeeded by Purehito, who in turn is succeeded by one of the
guild members,Makarov Dreyar, after leaving on a journey. Makarov is the guild
master at the beginning of the series, but disappears during the S-Class exam
on Tenrou Island. Another one of the guild members, Macao Conbolt, succeeds him
as the fourth guild master. Gildarts Clive briefly becomes the fifth guild
master after returning to Fairy Tail, but departs on another one of his
journeys almost immediately afterward, leaving a letter of resignation naming
Makarov the guild master once again.
Creator Hiro Mashima has insisted that the spelling of the guild's
name, which is a play on the phrase "fairy tale", is intentional. In
the story, the guild is stated to have received its name from the mystery of
whether or not fairies, which are considered as mythical creatures within the
series, have tails.
Natsu Dragneel
Natsu "Salamander"[n 1] Dragneel (ナツ・ドラグニル
Natsu Doraguniru?) is the main male protagonist of Fairy Tail. He is raised
from infancy by a dragon named Igneel, who disappears seven years before the
series' present.[ch. 2] Natsu joins Fairy Tail and partners with Happy during
his quest to search for Igneel.[ch. 1,66] He is known as a Dragon Slayer (滅竜魔導士(ドラゴンスレイヤー)
Doragon Sureiyā), a wizard who can perform an ancient form of magic, or
"Lost Magic", that grants him the physical properties of a dragon.
Using Fire Dragon Slayer magic (火の滅竜魔法 Ka
no Metsuryū mahō), Natsu is able to breathe fire, emit flames from any part of
his body to attack his opponent, become physically immune to fire, and ingest
any flame for nourishment.[ch. 1,5] When he consumes magical substances
containing a large amount of magical energy, such as residual energy from the
Magic Council's Etherion attack, Natsu is able to achieve a more powerful form
of Dragon Slayer magic called Dragon Force (ドラゴンフォース
Doragon Fōsu), which turns his skin around his eyes and on his forearms scaly,
and increases both his physical and magical power.[ch. 97,98,160] With Dragon
Force, Natsu can temporarily eat other forms of magic and combine that with his
own; however, Natsu becomes sick for several days after his transformation
wears off.[ch. 106,245]
Natsu is generally carefree and reckless in nature, and causes
most of the collateral damage Fairy Tail is blamed for.[ch. 2] However, he is
extremely loyal to his guildmates and attacks anyone who tries to harm or
insult them. Although he comes across as thick-headed to several other
characters, he is a perceptive tactician in battle and can quickly deduce his
opponents' strengths and weaknesses.[ch. 41] He suffers from motion sickness
when riding on vehicles of any sort, as well as when carried by others. The
exception to this rule is Happy, who Natsu says is his friend and not a
"moving object".[ch. 4][5] He is prone to challenging his guild's
S-Class wizards to petty fights to test his strength, in which he is often
defeated with little effort from his opponents.[ch. 24] When properly motivated
to fight, he is recognized as one of the most powerful wizards in the
guild.[ch. 64] In the Japanese version of the series, Natsu is voiced byTetsuya
Kakihara. In the English dub, he is voiced by Todd Haberkorn.
Lucy Heartfilia
Lucy Heartfilia (ルーシィ・ハートフィリア
Rūshii Hātofiria?) is the main female protagonist and viewpoint character of
Fairy Tail. When naming the character, Mashima used The Beatles song "Lucy
in the Sky with Diamonds" as a reference.[vol. 2:afterword] She is a
17-year-old wizard who specializes in using celestial magic (星霊魔法
seirei mahō) to summon celestial spirits using a set of magical Gatekeys (門(ゲート)の鍵
Gēto no Kagi). She uses a whip on occasion to fight alongside her spirits, and
upgrades to a Fleuve d'Étoiles (星の大河(エトワールフルーグ)
Etowāru Furūgu, lit. "River of Stars") whip, which produces an
extendable beam of magical energy from its hilt.[ch. 115,184] At the beginning
of the series, she encounters Natsu Dragneel and Happy and joins Fairy Tail,
working on jobs to fund her rented house in Magnolia.[ch. 1-4] As one of the
saner members of the guild, Lucy regularly gawks at the odd habits of her
guildmates, who frequently show up uninvited inside her house.[ch. 4,47,106]
She also aspires to become a novelist.[ch. 4,9]
Born to one of the wealthiest families in Fiore, Lucy trains to
become a celestial wizard as with her mother, Layla Heartfilia[n 2], who dies
when Lucy is ten years old. Due to her strained relationship with her father
Jude Heartfilia,[n 3] Lucy runs away from home to join Fairy Tail. Jude later
commissions the Phantom Lord guild to bring her home, though Phantom Lord
instead tries to hold her for ransom. Following Phantom Lord's demise, Lucy
confronts and breaks ties with her father, warning him not to interfere with
Fairy Tail.[ch. 50,64,67] Eventually she reconciles with Jude after he loses
his fortune, and admits she loves him after learning of his death during her
disappearance on Tenrou Island.[ch. 129,130,257] During the Grand Magic Games,
she is targeted by Arcadios to be used as part of his Eclipse Plan for Zeref.
In the Japanese version of the series, Lucy is voiced by Aya Hirano.[6] In the
English dub, she is voiced by Cherami Leigh.
Happy (ハッピー Happī?) is a 6-year-old
talking cat with blue fur who serves as Natsu Dragneel's best friend and sole
traveling companion before Lucy Heartfilia's inclusion in the Fairy Tail guild.
Hiro Mashima originally planned to name him "Freyr" after the Norse
god of the same name, but found the name did not fit his character.[vol.
2:afterword] He possesses a magical ability called Aera (翼(エーラ)
Ēra), which allows him to temporarily grow white feathered wings on his back
and fly. He is only able to carry up to one person at a time in this form. He
is generally cheerful as per his name, and often utters the catchphrase
"Aye!" (あい! Ai!) or "Aye,
sir!" (あいさ! Aisa!). He has a crush
on Carla, who initially shuns him.[ch. 133] Eventually, he earns her respect
after demonstrating his will to protect his friends.[ch. 175] He is found as an
egg six years before the series' present by Natsu, who cares for him together
with Lisanna until he hatches. His birth cheers up everyone in the guild while
they are in the middle of an argument, for which Natsu names him "Happy".[vol.
15:make] Happy eventually discovers that he and Carla are two of 100 Exceeds
originally sent fromEdolas to Earthland as eggs for protection after the
Exceeds' queen, Chagot, has a premonition of their realm's destruction.[ch.
198] While in Edolas, Happy encounters and bonds with an exiled Exceed farmer
named Lucky[n 4] and his wife Merl[n 5] who, unknown to Happy, are his
parents.[ch. 177,198] In the Japanese version of the series, Happy is voiced by
Rie Kugimiya. In the English dub, he is voiced by Tia Ballard.
Gray Fullbuster
Gray Fullbuster (グレイ・フルバスター
Gurei Furubasutā?) is one of the main male protagonists. He is an 18-year-old
wizard who specializes in performing Ice Make magic (氷の造形魔法
Koi no Zōhei mahō),[n 6] which allows him to instantaneously conjure various
kinds of weapons, shields, and other inanimate objects made from ice.[ch. 21]
He is more level-headed and competent in performing jobs than most of his
guildmates, but has a habit of removing his shirt or stripping down to his
underwear, often without realizing it,[ch. 2] which Hiro Mashima based on a
personal habit of his own.[vol. 2:afterword] Gray has a fierce rivalry with
Natsu Dragneel due to their opposing personalities and magical elements, which
constantly leads the two to bicker and insult each other.[ch. 10] Gray is the
former student of Ur, who takes him in as an orphan after his hometown is
destroyed by the demon Deliora. He learns magic from her with the intention of
taking revenge against Deliora, and develops his stripping habit as a result of
his training to withstand the freezing temperatures of Ur's hometown. He later
moves on to join Fairy Tail after Ur sacrifices herself to defeat Deliora
instead.[ch. 36-38,43] Over the course of the series, Gray clashes with his
fellow former student Lyon Vastia and Ur's daughter Ultear Milkovich, and helps
both come to terms with their pasts as Ur did for him.[ch. 29,31,241,242] In
the Japanese version of the series, Gray is voiced by Yuichi Nakamura. In the
English dub, he is voiced by Newton Pittman.
Erza Scarlet
"Titania"[n 7] Erza Scarlet (エルザ・スカーレット
Eruza Sukāretto?), one of the primary female protagonists of Fairy Tail, is a
19-year-old wizard who is usually tasked with performing extremely dangerous
missions, and is considered to be the most powerful female member of the
guild.[ch. 10] Her name was based on Eru, a character from the one-shot manga
created by Mashima that served as a pilot for Fairy Tail.[vol. 2:afterword]
Having specialized in "The Knight" (騎士(ザ・ナイト)
Za Naito) magic, Erza can quickly "re-equip" different weapons and
change armor and clothes using a hammerspace. She usually hauls along a large
number of suitcases while traveling.[ch. 11,46,76] As an S-Class Wizard, Erza
usually chastises slackers and serves as a punisher; Natsu Dragneel and Gray
Fullbuster act like close friends in her presence to avoid her wrath.[ch. 10]
Eventually, she becomes friendlier with her guildmates.[ch. 92]
Enslaved and forced to build the Tower of Heaven during her early
childhood, Erza befriends several slave children, including Jellal
Fernandes,[ch. 80] who gives her the surname "Scarlet" after her
"beautiful scarlet hair".[ch. 163] After Jellal is taken away for
rebelling against their captors, Erza rallies the other slaves to rescue him,
using her re-equip abilities for the first time after witnessing the death of
Rob[n 8], a Fairy Tail member and her grandfather figure.[ch. 81] However,
Jellal turns on her after being brainwashed into serving Zeref and continues
the tower's construction, forcing her to leave the tower on her own.[ch. 83]
Joining Fairy Tail, Erza has her damaged eye fitted with an artificial right
eye,[ch. 89,100]granting her immunity to illusions and eye-based magic, and
halves their effects if used on both of her eyes.[ch. 111,155] Erza initially
sheds tears from her real eye due to a defect with her artificial eye, but
Mashima eventually abandoned this aspect after accidentally drawing some scenes
where Erza has tears flowing from both eyes.[ch. 100,102][vol. 12:afterword]
Harboring feelings for Jellal even after his betrayal,[ch. 93] Erza helps him
atone for his misdeeds by making him realize what he has done,[ch. 145,146] and
eventually professes her mutual love for him.[ch. 264] In the Japanese version
of the series, Erza is voiced by Sayaka Ohara. In the English dub, she is
voiced by Colleen Clinkenbeard.
Wendy Marvell
Wendy Marvell (ウェンディ・マーベル
Wendi Māberu?), also known as the "Priestess of the Sky"[n 9], is a
12-year-old[ch. 144] Dragon Slayer introduced as a member of the Cait Shelter[n
10] guild together with her cat partner Carla.[ch. 132]Mashima created the
character in response to a remark about the lack of little girls in Fairy Tail,
and noted the character's popularity among his associates.[vol. 16:afterword][10]
Having mastered in the Sky Dragon Slayer magic (天の滅竜魔法
Ten no Metsuryū mahō), she can heal others' injuries and ailments such as
poison, and temporarily relieve Natsu's motion sickness.[ch. 135,152] She later
learns how to perform combat-based spells such as breathing powerful gusts of
wind, and augmenting her friends' or her own speed, strength, and defensive
power.[ch. 161,191,243] Wendy can replenish her magical power by
"eating" unpolluted air.[ch. 136,159]
Wendy is raised from infancy by the dragon Grandine, who
disappears when she is five years old.[ch. 136] She is rescued by Jellal, later
revealed to be his Edolas counterpart Mystogan,[ch. 167] whom she travels
alongside for months during his exploration of Earthland.[ch. 145] "Jellal"
eventually leaves Wendy in the care of Cait Shelter's guild master Robaul[n 11]
who, unbeknown to her, is a spirit who uses illusion magic to create the guild
and care for her.[ch. 164]Seven years later, she and Carla represent their
guild in an alliance with Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, and Blue Pegasus to stop the
dark guild Oración Seis from acquiring Nirvana,[ch. 132] a destructive spell
developed by Robaul's tribe.[ch. 164] In the ensuing battle, Wendy is kidnapped
by Oración Seis and forced to resurrect Jellal Fernandes, whom she mistakes for
her former traveling partner.[ch. 135] After her guild vanishes together with
Robaul's appeased spirit following Nirvana's destruction, Wendy joins Fairy
Tail.[ch. 164,165] In the Japanese version of the series, Wendy's voice is
supplied by Satomi Satō.
Carla (シャルル Sharuru?) is a
white-furred Exceed and Wendy Marvell's partner. She is capable of using Aera
magic as with Happy.[ch. 135] Having the ability of precognition, Carla is
capable of seeing visions of future locations and events. Though Carla is
unaware that she is the daughter of the Exceeds' queen Chagot, she inherits her
precognitive powers from the queen. She is evacuated from Edolas to Earthland
as an egg following Chagot's premonition of their realm's destruction, which is
covered up as a mission to kill Dragon Slayers. Upon being hatched and taken
under the care of the six-year-old Wendy, Carla has a premonition of future
events. Despite misinterpreting the queen's fake orders as real, Carla decides
to protect Wendy.[ch. 176,198] As a representative of Cait Shelter, she joins
Wendy to defeat Oracion Seis, and when Carla meets Happy, she initially shuns
him.[ch. 135,167] Only after discovering Happy's resolution to defy their
mission does she become friendlier with him.[ch. 175] Carla eventually forgives
Chagot for her ruse after the queen admits her deeds.[ch. 198] In the anime
series, her voice actress is Yui Horie.
Other members
Makarov Dreyar
Makarov Dreyar (マカロフ・ドレアー
Makarofu Doreā?) is the short, 88-year-old master of Fairy Tail. His name comes
from the fact that Mashima wanted it to sound Russian.[vol. 2:afterword]
Discontented with the Magic Council for the rules it tries to impose on Fairy
Tail, Makarov encourages his guild's members to do whatever they think is
right. He becomes despondent whenever his guild causes trouble with the
council, and sometimes uses force to stop his guild members whenever they
become too rowdy or violent. However, he considers his guild members to be his
children, and is fiercely protective of them. He is capable of multiple
different forms of magic, including Giant (巨人(ジャイアント)Jaianto)
magic, which increases his normally diminutive stature to gigantic
proportions.[ch. 2] His most powerful spell is Fairy Law (妖精の法律(フェアリーロウ)
Fearī Rō), one of three legendary spells developed by the Fairy Tail guild,
which generates a flash of bright light that spans across a wide area, and only
harms those the caster considers to be his or her enemy.[ch. 66] Given his high
level of magic and skills, Makarov is registered as one of the Ten Wizard
Saints, the most powerful wizards in the world. In the Japanese version of the
series, Makarov is voiced by Shinpachi Tsuji. In the English dub, he is voiced
by R Bruce Elliott.
Mirajane Strauss
Mirajane "Demon Woman"[n 12] Strauss (ミラジェーン・ストラウス
Mirajēn Sutorausu?) is a 19-year-old S-Class wizard who serves as a barmaid and
administrator at Fairy Tail, and occasionally appears as a cover girl on the
fictionalSorcerer's Weekly magazine.[ch. 2] Her name comes from a video game
Hiro Mashima was playing while creating her character.[vol. 2:afterword] She is
a very cheerful, kindhearted, yet somewhat absentminded young woman who rarely
displays anger towards others,[ch. 25] though as a child, Mirajane is much more
rambunctious, holding a particularly fierce rivalry with Erza Scarlet.[vol.
15:omake] She is the oldest of three siblings including Elfman and Lisanna, who
each specialize in magic called Take Over (接収(テイクオーバー)
Teiku Ōbā) that allows them to transform into creatures they have previously
encountered. Mirajane uses a specific variety of Take Over magic called Satan
Soul (サタンソウルSatan Sōru) with which
she can transform into a demon with enhanced physical speed and strength.[ch.
117,118] She can also mimic other people's physical appearance and voice.[ch.
52] She loses her Take Over powers and retires from performing missions after
losing Lisanna when she is 17 years old,[ch. 54,55] but regains her power
during the Battle of Fairy Tail and uses Satan Soul to duel with Freed Justine
after he wounds Elfman. She and Lucy host the "Emergency Request! Explain
the Mysteries of Fairy Tail" sections at the ends of the manga volumes
where they answer reader questions. In the Japanese version of the series, Mirajane
is voiced by Ryōko Ono. In the English dub, she is voiced by Monica Rial.
Cana Alberona
Cana Alberona (カナ・アルベローナ
Kana Aruberōna?) is a short-tempered, 18-year-old wizard who has an extremely
high alcohol tolerance level where she can drink entire barrelfuls of alcohol
without getting drunk,[ch. 2] and is considered the most senior member of her
guild's generation.[ch. 201] Her name is derived from the term
"arcana" in relation to tarot cards.[vol. 2:afterword] Using Card
Magic (魔法の札(マジックカード)
Majikku Kādo, lit. "Magic Card"), Cana can cast a wide variety of
spells using a deck of magic-infused cards.[ch. 38] She joins Fairy Tail
following her mother's death to meet her father Gildarts Clive when she is six
years old, but becomes depressed upon discovering his unawareness of their
relationship. Over the next twelve years, Cana tries to become an S-Class
wizard to gain confidence in revealing the truth to Gildarts, but fails four
consecutive exams that designate the S-Class rank, and contemplates leaving the
guild if she fails her fifth and latest exam held on Tenrou Island.[ch.
202,232] After teaming up with Lucy, Cana abandons her friends to complete the
exam trial of searching for Mavis Vermillion's grave in spite of its suspension
due toGrimoire Heart's attack on the island.[ch. 213,225] Upon reaching the
grave, she realizes her own treachery and rejects her desire to become an
S-Class Wizard; she pleads for anything to help her friends and the spirit of
Mavis grants her the Fairy Glitter spell.[ch. 232] She reveals to Gildarts
their relationship after the battle.[ch. 251] In the Japanese version of the
series, Cana is voiced by Eri Kitamura. In the English dub, she is voiced by
Jamie Marchi.
Elfman Strauss
"Beast Arm"[n 13] Elfman Strauss (エルフマン・ストラウス
Erufuman Sutorausu?) is Mirajane's younger, 18-year-old brother. He is a large
and well-built man who regularly spouts speeches about what a "real
man" should do,[ch. 2] but is also kindhearted and emotionally sensitive.
Having mastered in the Take Over magic Beast Soul (獣王の魂(ビーストソウル)
Bīsuto Sōru?), Elfman can transform his body into any monster he has defeated.
However, his first attempt at using Beast Soul when he is 16 years old causes
him to go berserk and injure his younger sister Lisanna, who disappears.
Thinking that he has killed Lisanna, his deep guilt limits his magic power to
an ability called Beast Arm (ビーストアーム
Bīsuto Āmu), with which he can only transform his right arm. Two years later,
Elfman regains his Beast Soul ability during the assault on Phantom Lord after
seeing Mirajane in danger; he defeats Sol with it, after which he is able to
control his transformation.[ch. 49,55,56] Later in the series, he partners with
Evergreen as an S-Class wizard promotional exam candidate on Tenrou Island,
where the two bicker after Evergreen tricks Mirajane into thinking they are
engaged to distract her during an exam round. However, he develops genuine
feelings for Evergreen, and becomes angered whenever she or anyone else makes
fun of him for it.[ch. 208,222,249] In the Japanese version of the series,
Elfman is voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto.[6] In the English dub, he is voiced by
Christopher R. Sabat.
Loke (ロキ Roki?) is a flirtatious
wizard who is regularly seen in the company of young women.[ch. 2] His name is
derived from the Norse god Loki.[vol. 2:afterword] He possesses a ring called
Regulus (王の光(レグルス)
Regurus) with which he can conjure light-based magic attacks.[ch. 115] His true
identity is the celestial spirit Leo (レオ
Reo?), who is initially owned by Karen Lilica. After preventing her from
summoning other spirits to keep her from bullying his friend Aries, Loke inadvertently
leaves Karen defenseless while on a mission, resulting in her death. Exiled
from the spirit world, Loke distances himself from any celestial wizards he
encounters. Three years later, Loke's magic power weakens severely until his
body slowly begins to fade away. After Lucy Heartfilia discovers his identity
as a spirit, she saves his life and restores his former power by persuading the
Celestial Spirit King to reconsider Loke's exile, allowing him to return to the
spirit world.[ch. 72-74] Despite becoming one of Lucy's contracted spirit
partners, Loke is still considered a member of Fairy Tail, and temporarily
nullifies his contract with her to serve as Gray Fullbuster's partner during
the S-Class exam.[ch. 202] In the Japanese version of the series, Loke is
voiced by Daisuke Kishio. In the English dub, he is voiced by Eric Vale.
Levy McGarden
Levy McGarden (レビィ・マグガーデン
Rebi Magugāden?) is the de facto leader and sole female member of Shadow Gear[n
14], a team she forms with her friends Jet and Droy.[ch. 4] Her magic, Solid
Script (立体文字(ソリッドスクリプト)Soriddo
Sukuriputo), allows her to transform written words into three-dimensional
objects that take on the attributes of what is written; writing the word
"fire" creates burning letters, writing the word "iron"
allows her to produce letters made of iron, etc. She is also proficient in
translating and decoding foreign texts and runic magic. She is close friends
with Lucy Heartfilia, and the first person Lucy willingly allows to read her
novel.[ch. 48] She and her team are attacked and hospitalized by Phantom Lord
member Gajeel Redfox, sparking the war between guilds.[ch. 47] Initially
fearful of Gajeel after he joins Fairy Tail,[ch. 103] Levy forgives him after
he protects her from being injured by Laxus Dreyar.[ch. 105]She gradually
develops feelings for Gajeel after he offers to become her partner for the
S-Class exam.[ch. 202,207] In the Japanese version of the series, Levy is
voiced by Mariya Ise. In the English dub, she is voiced by Kristi Kang.
Mystogan (ミストガン Misutogan?) is an
S-Class wizard noted by other characters as the most mysterious member of Fairy
Tail. Refusing to let others see his face, he covers his entire body with a
cloak and bandages, and goes as far as using magic to temporarily put his
guildmates to sleep whenever he visits the guild.[ch. 24] His face is exposed
for the first time by Laxus Dreyar during the Battle of Fairy Tail, showing
Mystogan to be identical in appearance to Jellal Fernandes.[ch. 120] When Wendy
Marvell joins the guild, Mystogan reveals himself to be Jellal's counterpart
from the parallel universe Edolas, of which he is its prince.[ch. 167,189] As a
resident of Edolas, Mystogan is unable to perform magic on his own, instead
wielding staffs infused with magic power to cast a wide variety of spells.[ch.
120] Despite this, he remains one of the most powerful members of Fairy Tail,
demonstrated by his capacity to defeat each ofPhantom Lord's subdivisions
throughout the country by himself.[ch. 24,65]
As a child, Mystogan travels to Earthland to close the
inter-dimensional Anima portals that Faust, his father and the king of Edolas,
uses to steal magical power from Earthland. Seven years later, after failing to
prevent Magnolia from being absorbed by an Anima portal,[ch. 167,168] Mystogan
returns to Edolas and restores the city by forcing the lacrima crystal created
from the absorbed Fairy Tail wizards through another portal after his
guildmates prevent Faust from ramming it into Extalia.[ch. 189] Following his
father's defeat, Mystogan reverses the effects of the Anima portals to return
all of the stolen magical power to Earthland, causing the residents of Edolas
to panic over the loss of Edolas' magic. Mystogan plans to be publicly executed
for this by his childhood friend Pantherlily to quell the panic, but Natsu
Dragneel takes the blame instead and loses to Mystogan in a mock battle, earning
Mystogan the public's support and allowing him to take his father's place as
king of Edolas.[ch. 195-197] In the Japanese version of the series, Mystogan is
voiced by Daisuke Namikawa. In the English dub, he is voiced by Robert
Laxus Dreyar
Laxus Dreyar (ラクサス・ドレアー
Rakusasu Doreā?) is Makarov Dreyar's 23-year-old grandson,[ch. 69] and one of
Fairy Tail's S-Class wizards.[ch. 24] He specializes in various forms of
lightning magic to conjure bolts of lightning from his hands and turn his
entire body into electricity.[ch. 69] He is also a Dragon Slayer with mastery
over Lightning Dragon Slayer magic (雷の滅竜魔法
Rai no Metsuryū mahō), which he gains the ability to use through artificial
lacrima implants given to him by his father Ivan, allowing him to increase his
own physical strength and breathe bolts of lightning.[ch. 128,124] Laxus has a
loving relationship with Makarov as a child, but becomes increasingly estranged
from his grandfather after years of being unfairly compared to him, and rebels
when Makarov expels Ivan from the guild.[ch. 106,119] He becomes obsessed with
surpassing Makarov and inheriting mastership of the guild as his next of kin,
valuing the strength of his guild over the well-being of his guildmates, whom
he perceives as "weak".[ch. 69]
Laxus becomes angered upon overhearing people mocking his guild
following the Fairy Tail guildhall's renovation due to the war between Fairy
Tail and Phantom Lord.[ch. 105] Deciding to reform the guild so others will not
question Fairy Tail's strength, Laxus stages a coup d'état with the Thunder God
Tribe in which they hold several of Fairy Tail's female members, and eventually
Magnolia, as hostages and force their guildmates to fight each other in an
intra-guild battle royal called the "Battle of Fairy Tail"[n 15] to
rescue them, dictating that those who emerge victorious will be allowed to stay
in the guild with Laxus as its new master.[ch. 107,113] When his plans
collapse, he tries using Fairy Law to destroy Magnolia, but it has no effect,
signifying that he does not truly hate his guild. He is defeated by Natsu
Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox, and Makarov expels him from Fairy Tail for his
actions, though he leaves on friendly terms with his grandfather and
guildmates.[ch. 124-128] Laxus later returns to help his former guildmates
battle Hades on Tenrou Island,[ch. 244-248] and is reinstated into Fairy Tail
by Gildarts Clive during his brief period as Fairy Tail's master.[ch. 260]In
the Japanese version of the series, Laxus is voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi. In
the English dub, he is voiced by Patrick Seitz.
Lisanna Strauss
Lisanna Strauss (リサーナ・ストラウス
Risāna Sutorausu?) is the younger, 17-year-old sister of Mirajane and Elfman.
Using the Take Over technique Animal Soul (動物の魂(アニマルソウル)
Animaru Sōru), Lisanna can transform her body into those of different animals
at will.[vol. 15:omake] She is one of Natsu's closest childhood friends of
Natsu's, helping him care for Happy as an egg and teasing him with the thought
of marrying him when they are children. She is apparently killed in an accident
while working with her siblings on a job when she is 15 years old.[ch. 55] In
truth, Lisanna is sent to Edolas through an Anima portal meant to absorb
Earthland's magical power. She initially decides to remain in Edolas to keep
the parallel world's counterparts of her siblings from worrying since her own
counterpart had died. However, she is sent back to Earthland after the Anima
portals are reversed, learning that her Edolas siblings had already known the
truth about her in the process, and reunites with her real siblings.[ch. 199]
She is reinstated into Fairy Tail soon after.[ch. 201] In the Japanese version
of the series, Lisanna is voiced by Harumi Sakurai.[14] In the English dub, she
is voiced by Carrie Savage.
Juvia Lockser
Juvia Lockser of the "Great Sea"[n 16] (ジュビア・ロクサー
Jubia Rokusā?) is a 17-year-old wizard introduced as the sole female member of
the Element 4, an elite team of wizards from the Phantom Lord guild who each
use a form of magic related to one of the four classical elements. Juvia's
magic is called Water (水流(ウォーター)
Wōtā), allowing her to manipulate and create water to trap her opponents inside
spheres, pressurize into jets to use as weapons, and transform into water to
make herself impervious to physical attacks.[ch. 48,59,104] She is prone to
violent mood swings that affect her magic's attributes, usually causing it to
rain around her when she is depressed, or making her water boil when losing her
temper.[ch. 59,60]
For most of her life, Juvia suffers from depression and is called
Rain Woman[n 17] because of the constant downpours around her. This is
perpetuated by boys who tease her and cause her sorrow, creating more
downpours. During the guild war between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord, she duels
with Gray Fullbuster, and loses, but snaps her out of the depression, causing
it to stop raining for the first time in her life.[ch. 59,60] She becomes
romantically obsessed with Gray and, after stalking him for a short time, asks
to join Fairy Tail in the hopes of becoming closer to Gray.[ch. 67,76] She
becomes an official member after helping Gray and the other protagonists in the
Tower of Heaven.[ch. 103] When Juvia misunderstands Gray's friendship with Lucy
Heartfilia, she becomes jealous of Lucy and considers any woman who shows
affection to Gray a potential rival.[ch. 59,103] Juvia tends to refer to
herself in the third person.[ch. 48] In the Japanese version of the series,
Juvia is voiced by Mai Nakahara. In the English dub, her name is spelled
"Juvia Loxar" and she is voiced by Brina Palencia.
Gajeel Redfox
Gajeel Redfox (ガジル・レッドフォックス
Gajiru Reddofokkusu?), similar to Natsu Dragneel and Wendy Marvell, is a Dragon
Slayer raised by the dragon Metalicana. He specializes in Iron Dragon Slayer
magic (鉄の滅竜魔法 Tetsu no Metsurū mahō),
which allows him to transform parts of his body into metal weapons such as
clubs and swords, cover his body with nearly indestructible metal scales, and
breathe gusts of wind containing metal shards capable of shredding a person's
body.[ch. 61] He can also consume metal objects for nourishment.[ch. 105] He is
introduced as a member of Phantom Lord who destroys the Fairy Tail guildhall
and injures the Shadow Gear team, sparking the war between his guild and Fairy
Tail.[ch. 48] He later fights Natsu, who defeats him out of revenge for the
Fairy Tail members he and Phantom Lord had hurt during the war.[ch. 63] After
Phantom Lord is dissolved, Gajeel is encouraged byMakarov Dreyar to join Fairy
Tail in an effort to guide him.[ch. 212] He is generally distrusted by the
other members of Fairy Tail after being instated into the guild, but gradually
proves his loyalty to them despite his gruff and apathetic demeanor.[ch.
103,105] He develops a fierce rivalry with Natsu and harbors a resentment of cooperating
with him unless forced to do so while battling Laxus Dreyar during the Battle
of Fairy Tail and Faust in Edolas.[ch. 123,191] He also comes to good terms
with Levy McGarden after saving her from Laxus Dreyar's attack in Magnolia, and
later partners with her for the S-Class exam on Tenrou Island.[ch. 106,202]
Under Makarov's orders, Gajeel acts as a double agent to spy on Raven Tail's
master Ivan Dreyar, which he is forbidden to reveal to his guildmates.[ch.
128,201] After noticing Natsu and Wendy's cat partners, Gajeel becomes
self-conscious of the fact that he is the only Dragon Slayer without a cat
partner until he fights and befriends Pantherlily, whom he openly adores.[ch.
165,186,198] In the Japanese version of the series, Gajeel is voiced by Wataru
Hatano. In the English dub, he is voiced by David Wald.
Thunder God Tribe
The Thunder God Tribe (雷神衆
Raijinshū?, also "Raijin Tribe"), renamed the "Thunder
Legion" in the Funimation anime dub, is a team of three wizards who act as
Laxus Dreyar's personal bodyguards. The three are introduced as antagonists who
help Laxus stage a coup d'état called the "Battle of Fairy Tail",[ch.
108] but become more friendly towards their guildmates after Laxus is expelled
from the guild.[ch. 128] Aside from their own unique abilities, the three
members share the ability to cast magic by making eye contact with their
opponents, though each member's "eye magic" differs.[ch. 115]
Freed Justine
"Dark"[n 18] Freed Justine (フリード・ジャスティーン
Furīdo Jasutīn?, also "Fried Justine") is the 20-year-old founder and
self-proclaimed leader of the Thunder God Tribe.[ch. 106] He specializes in
writing Jutsu-Shiki (術式, lit. "technique
style/ceremony"),[vol. 13:translation notes] which are magic runes that
contain his targets to a certain area according to the posted rule. He uses
this magic to uphold the rules of the Battle of Fairy Tail, trapping Makarov
Dreyar inside the guildhall by restricting departure based on age and material
limits, and forcing many of his guildmates to fight each other by writing the
area rule where only the "strongest wizard" can leave its
boundaries.[ch. 108,109] Fried also uses Dark Écriture (闇の文字(エクリテュール)
Yami no Ekuritūru) to wound others by writing words such as "pain",
"fear", "suffering", and "death" on their bodies.
He also uses Dark Écriture on himself, writing "wings" to fly and
"darkness" to transform into a demon.[ch. 117,118] He is loyal to
Laxus despite questioning Laxus' morality on executing his guildmates.[ch. 114]
Following Laxus' expulsion from the guild, Freed spends much of his time
waiting for Laxus to return,[ch. 128] and becomes ecstatic after reuniting with
him following Fairy Tail's battle against Grimoire Heart.[ch. 249] In the
Japanese version of the series, Freed is voiced by Junichi Suwabe. In the
English dub, his name is spelled "Fried Justine" and he is voiced by
John Burgmeier.
Bickslow (ビックスロー Bikkusurō?) is a
22-year-old wizard who specializes in using a form of Seith magic (セイズ魔術
Seizu majutsu) called Human Possession (人型憑き
Hitotsuki) to implant souls within inanimate objects and control them as he
pleases.[ch. 106,108] He can only control up to five puppets at a time,
referring to them as his "babies" and naming them Pappa,[n 19]
Pippi,[n 20] Puppu,[n 21] Peppe,[n 22] and Poppo.[n 23][ch. 108] His eye magic
is called Figure Eyes (造形眼(フィギュア・アイズ)
Figyua Aizu), which allows him to control the souls of anyone who meets his
gaze; he wears a grilled visor to contain this magic.[ch. 115] In the Japanese
version of the series, Bickslow is voiced by Yoshihisa Kawahara. In the English
dub, his name is spelled "Bixlow" and he is voiced by Scott Freeman.
Evergreen (エバーグリーン Ebāgurīn?) is a
20-year-old wizard and the sole female member of the Thunder God Tribe. She
primarily uses her eye magic, Stone Eyes (石化眼(ストーン・アイズ)
Sutōn Aizu), to turn others into stone through eye contact. She wears
eyeglasses to control this magic, similar to Bickslow, and uses it to hold
several other female members of the guild hostage, forcing the remaining
members to participate in the Battle of Fairy Tail.[ch. 107] She can also
conjure golden dust to perform various attacks such as Fairy Bomb: Gremlin (妖精爆弾 グレムリン Yōsei Bakudan:
Guremurin), an explosion of ignited dust, and Fairy Machine Gun: Leprechaun (妖精機銃 レブラホーン Yōsei Kijū: Reburahōn),
a projectile attack in which she rapidly fires limitless needles at her
opponents.[ch. 109,112] She originally joins Fairy Tail solely for her
obsession with anything having to do with fairies, and covets Erza Scarlet's
title of "Fairy Queen, Titania".[ch. 107,112] She partners with
Elfman Strauss and helps him surprise and defeat Mirajane in the first stage of
the S-class exam on Tenrou Island by suggesting they are engaged,[ch. 208] but
fervently denies her feelings about him to anyone who brings it up.[ch.
221,222] In the Japanese version of the series, Evergreen is voiced by Saori
Seto. In the English dub, she is voiced by Caitlin Glass.
Gildarts Clive
Gildarts Clive (ギルダーツ・クライヴ
Girudātsu Kuraivu?) is a 45-year-old S-Class wizard and considered the most
powerful member of Fairy Tail.[ch. 106] He specializes in magic called Crash (クラッシュ
Kurasshu?), which causes him to vaporize any object and magic spell he touches.
Because he performs this magic passively, the citizens of Magnolia hold a
"Gildarts Shift" in which the city's buildings are rearranged into a
single, straightforward path leading to the Fairy Tail guildhall to prevent him
from walking through walls or into houses without thinking. He embarks on high
ranking "SS-Class" missions, as well as missions that have never been
completed for 10 or even 100 years. He only visits his guild for short periods
every few years because of this, but nevertheless maintains a fatherly
relationship with his younger guildmates, including Natsu Dragneel.[ch.
165-167] Years before the series' present, Gildarts divorces his wife
Cornelia[n 24][ch. 251] and embarks on a six-year-long mission before the of
his daughter Cana Alberona, and is initially unaware of his relationship with Cana.[ch.
232] At age 38, Gildarts fights the black dragon Acnologia, but loses an arm,
leg, and some organs as a result.[ch. 166,252]
Twelve years later, Gildarts learns the truth of their
relationship when Cana tells him after the S-Class exam on Tenrou Island; he
later advises his guildmates against fighting Acnologia on Tenrou Island.[ch.
251,252] He is named the master of Fairy Tail by Makarov Dreyar after returning
from the island with his guildmates seven years later, but embarks on another
quest and leaves a letter of resignation, naming Makarov his successor shortly
afterward.[ch. 259,260] In the Japanese version of the series, Gildarts is
voiced by Kazuhiko Inoue.
Pantherlily (パンサーリリー
Pansārirī?) is a black-furred Exceed from the parallel universe of Edolas. He
is initially depicted as a large, muscular, anthropomorphic panther, unlike
most other Exceeds, who appear as small, bipedal cats.[ch. 171] Upon leaving
Edolas and entering Earthland, however, he takes on his species' general small
appearance, though he is able to assume his original form for limited periods
of time.[ch. 199,201] He also possesses the "Aera" ability, allowing
him to fly by growing wings on his back, and is a skilled swordsman who can
fight on par with Erza Scarlet.[ch. 201] He uses swords that can extend to
three times his large form's size, initially Bustermarm (バスターマァムBasutāmāmu),
which is destroyed in his battle with Gajeel, and then the Musica Sword (ムジカの剣
Mujika no Ken?).[ch. 186,247]
Years before the series' present, Pantherlily is exiled by his
people's queen Chagot from Extalia after saving the life of a young Mystogan
and bringing him to Extalia.[ch. 189] He joins the Edolas Kingdom's royal army
as Captain of the 1st Magic War Division.[ch. 171] He battles Gajeel Redfox
while defending the lacrima crystal created from the residents of Magnolia
after they have been absorbed by an Anima portal, but has a change of heart
after seeing the Exceeds gathering to push the crystal away from Extalia, and
rescues Chagot from falling to her death.[ch. 186,189] After being sent to
Earthland through the reversed Anima portal, he joins Fairy Tail as Gajeel's
partner, showing a mature personality compared to most of the Fairy Tail guild
members.[ch. 200] In the anime adaptation, his voice actor is Hiroki Tōchi.
Mavis Vermillion
Mavis Vermillion (メイビス・ヴァーミリオン
Meibisu Vāmirion?) is the first guild master and founder of Fairy Tail.[ch.
202] She dies at a young age years before the beginning of the series[ch. ?]
and is buried on Tenrou Island.[ch. 208] During the S-Class wizard exam,
Mavis's grave begins to glow, and after Cana Alberona pleads with her for help
to protect her friends, Mavis's spirit grants Cana the Fairy Glitter (妖精の輝き(フェアリーグリッター)
Fearī Gurittā?) spell.[ch. 232] Her full form is revealed when the Fairy Tail
members on the island are attacked by Acnologia,[ch. 253] with their
determination to protect each other giving her enough magic to cast another one
of her strongest spells, Fairy Sphere (妖精の球(フェアリースフィア)
Fearī Sufia?), to protect them. However, this inadvertently sends them into
another dimension and freezes them in time until the spell lifts seven years
later.[ch. 255] Her spirit can only be seen by those with the mark of Fairy
Tail, and she has the ability to tell if a person is good or evil just by
looking at them.[ch. 267-268] In the Japanese version of the series, Mavis is
voiced by Mamiko Noto.
Other wizards
In the beginning of the series, the Fairy Tail guild is stated to
have over 100 members. Seven years after the primary guild members disappear on
Tenrou Island, the guild is reduced to the following members:
Macao Conbolt (マカオ・コンボルト
Makao Konboruto?) is a wizard whose magic, Purple Flare (紫の炎(パープル・フレア)
Pāpuru Furea), allows him to conjure flames that cannot be doused by wind or
water.[ch. 37] Macao eventually replaces Makarov as the master of Fairy Tail
during the primary guild members' disappearance.[ch. 254] In the Japanese
version of the series, Macao is voiced by Masaki Kawanabe. In the English dub,
he is voiced by Brian Mathis.
Romeo Conbolt (ロメオ・コンボルト Romeo Konboruto?) is Macao's son who wishes to
become a wizard at the start of the series.[ch. 4] He joins Fairy Tail over the
time skip, and dresses like Natsu, whom he admires.[ch. 254] He practices
Rainbow Fire (七色の炎(レインボーファイア)
Reinbō Faia) magic,[ch. 257] which allows him to conjure fire of seven
different colors that produce different effects based on each color (blue fire
is cold, orange fire emits a foul odor, purple fire can adhere to surfaces,
etc.).[ch. 255] He is voiced by Mariya Ise in the Japanese version. In the
English version, his voice is provided by Kayla Carlyle from his first
appearance in episode 2 until episode 41, after which he is voiced by Lindsay
Reedus Jonah (リーダス・ジョナー
Rīdasu Jonā?) is a wizard who can bring any picture he draws on himself to life
using Picto Magic (絵画魔法(ビクトマジック)
Pikuto Majikku).[ch. 36] His normally slender body is magically inflated into a
rotund shape by Makarov's magic to help better cast his spells,[ch. 36] though
his body returns to normal over the time skip.[ch. 254] Sonny Strait provides
his voice in the English dub.
Nab Lasaro (ナブ・ラサロ
Nabu Rasaro?) is a wizard resembling a Native American who frequently stands in
front of the guild's job request board without picking a mission.[ch. 10]
Similar to Bickslow, he uses a form of Seith magic called Animal Possession (動物憑き
Dōbutsu Tsuki) to fuse the spirits of animals to his body and enhance his
physical abilities.[ch. 35] In the Japanese version of the series, he is voiced
by Daisuke Endō. In the English dub, he is voiced by Mike McFarland.
Jet (ジェット Jetto?) and Droy (ドロイ
Doroi?) are Levy McGarden's friends and fellow members of the Shadow Gear team.
Jet specializes in using magic called High Speed (神速(ハイスピード)
Hai Supīdo) to enhance his physical speed,[ch. 43] while Droy uses Plant (植物(プラント)
Puranto) to grow plants from enchanted, rapid-growing seeds to attack.[ch. 44]
Both Jet and Droy have a one-sided crush on Levy, and harbor deep resentment
against Gajeel Redfoxafter he attacks their team as a member of Phantom
Lord.[ch. 105] After Gajeel joins Fairy Tail and earns Levy's affections by
protecting her from Laxus Dreyar, however, the two respect Levy's feelings for
him.[ch. 105] Jet and Droy later become depressed due to Levy's disappearance
with the other guild members on Tenrou Island, with Droy overeating and
becoming obese.[ch. 254] In the Japanese version of the series, Jet and Droy
are voiced by Masaki Kawanabe and Eiji Sekiguchi, respectively. In the English
dub, they are voiced by Michael Chinnici and Z. Charles Bolton, respectively.
Alzack Connell (アルザック・コネル
Aruzakku Koneru?) and Bisca Moulin[ch. 107,109] (ビスカ・ムーラン
Bisuka Mūran?, Bisca Mulan) are wizards who dress up in Western-style clothes.
Alzack uses Guns Magic (銃弾魔法(ガンズマジック)
Ganzu Majikku) to fire enchanted bullets through two pistols that never
miss,[ch. 52], while Bisca uses re-equip magic called "The Gunner" (銃士(ザ・ガンナー)
Za Gannā) to summon various firearms.[ch. 53] Alzack and Bisca are lovers, and
marry during the primary guild members' disappearance.[ch. 254] The two have a
daughter named Asuka[n 25]. In the Japanese version of the series, Alzack and
Bisca are voiced by Yoshimitsu Shimoyama and Satomi Arai, respectively. In the
English dub, they are voiced by Austin Tindle and Angela Chase, respectively.
Warren Rocko (ウォーレン・ラッコー
Wōren Rakkō?) specializes in communicating to his guildmates via Telepathy (念話(テレパシー)
Terepashī).[ch. 54] In the Japanese version of the series, Warren is voiced by
Daisuke Kageura In the English dub, he is voiced by Gregory Lush.
Wakaba Mine (ワカバ・ミネ?)
is capable of using an enchanted pipe to manipulate smoke through smoke magic (煙魔法
kemuri mahō).[ch. 61] He is close friends with Macao and becomes his adviser
after he becomes Fairy Tail's master.[ch. 254] In the Japanese version of the
series, Wakaba is voiced by Daisuke Kageura. In the English dub, he is voiced
by Charlie Campbell.
Vijeeter Ecor (ビジター・エコー
Bijitā Ekō?) uses magic called Dancer (踊り子(ダンサー)
Dansā) to increase his allies' strength or weaken his enemies by dancing.[ch.
60] In the Japanese version of the series, Vijeeter is voiced by Eiji
Sekiguchi. In the English dub, he is voiced by Tyler Walker.
Max Alors (マックス・アローゼ Makkusu Arōze?) is a
wizard who can conjure and manipulate sand using magic called Sandstorm (砂塵(サンドストーム)
Sandosutōmu).[ch. 59] In the Japanese version of the series, he is voiced by
Yūichi Iguchi. In the English dub, he is voiced by Shelton Windham.
Laki Olietta (ラキ・オリエッタ
Raki Orietta?) is a glasses-wearing girl who specializes in Wood Make magic (木の造形魔法 Ki
no Zōhei mahō), allowing her to create wood much like how Gray manipulates
ice.[ch. 96] In the Japanese version of the series, she is voiced by Ikumi
Hayama. In the English dub, she is voiced by Apphia Yu.
Kinana (キナナ?) is introduced as
Cubellios, the snake partner of Cobra. After the defeat of Oración Seis,
Makarov turns her back into her true, human form. She later becomes a member of
Fairy Tail as a bartender for the guild's pub.[vol. 21:bonus] She is voiced by
Natsue Sasamoto.
Major characters and groups
Jellal Fernandes
Jellal Fernandes (ジェラール・フェルナンデス
Jerāru Ferunandesu?) is introduced as a major antagonist under the alias
Siegrain (ジークレイン Jīkurein?). His
appearance is based on Sieg Hart, a character from his earlier work Rave Master,
as a form of fan service.[vol. 3:afterword] As one of the Ten Wizard Saints, he
uses "heavenly body" magic (天体魔法
tentai mahō?) spells such as Meteor (ミーティア
Mītia?)[n 26] allowing him to fly and boost his speed to imperceptible levels;
Grand Chariot (グランシャリオ Guran Shario),[n 27] an
energy attack with the destructive power of a falling meteor; and Altairis (アルテアリス
Arutearisu),[n 28] a deadly black orb that is recognized for causing light and
shadows to stretch in opposite directions.[ch. 96,97]
Enslaved and forced to build the Tower of Heaven during his
childhood, Jellal befriends a group of other child slaves, including Erza
Scarlet. While being punished by his captors for attempting to rebel, Jellal is
manipulated by a spirit ofZeref, who is in truth Ultear Milkovich,[ch. 102]
into taking over the tower's construction. Jellal turns on Erza, as he and the
other slaves continue building the tower for the next eight years.[ch. 77-83]
He becomes a member of the Magic Council by using a magical projection of himself
named Siegrain, posing as his own twin brother to avoid suspicion from Erza and
the council. He has the council fire Etherion at the tower to complete it.
During the fight with Erza andNatsu Dragneel, Jellal kills his friend Simon
when he launches an attack at them. Natsu uses the residual energy from
Etherion to defeat Jellal and free him from his brainwashing. Jellal saves
Natsu and Erza from the exploding tower by fusing with it and redirecting its
destructive power into the sky.[ch. 94-101]
He is eventually found alive by Oración Seis and resuscitated by
Wendy Marvell to help Oración Seis find the destructive spell Nirvana.[ch.
136,137] Awakening with amnesia, Jellal remembers little besides Erza's name.
Convinced by Erza to atone for his misdeeds, Jellal allies with Fairy Tail
while fighting Oración Seis,[ch. 145,147] and enhances Natsu's strength,
allowing Natsu to defeat the dark guild's master Zero.[ch. 159] Following the
battle, Jellal is arrested by the Magic Council.[ch. 162] During the disappearance
of Tenrou Island, Jellal is liberated by Ultear and Meldy and form the
independent guild Crime Sorcière[n 29] against Zeref.[ch. 263] He also displays
mutual feelings for Erza, but withholds them so he can continue to atone.[ch.
264] His guild allies with Fairy Tail during the Grand Magic Games, where
Jellal disguises himself as Mystogan, his counterpart from Edolas, to
investigate a magical anomaly detected from the tournament arena.[ch. 268,263]
In the Japanese version of the series, Jellal is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa.[6]
In the English dub, he is voiced by Robert McCollum.[7]
Ultear Milkovich
Ultear Milkovich (ウルティア・ミルコビッチ
Urutia Mirukobitchi?) is the daughter of Gray Fullbuster's and Lyon Vastia's
teacher Ur,[ch. 46] introduced as a major antagonist in Fairy Tail. Using the
Lost Magic Arc of Time (時間のアーク Toki no Āku), she can
manipulate an object's state in time, which she uses to control her weapon of
choice, a crystal ball.[ch. 40] Additionally, she is also capable of using Ice
Make magic.[ch. 240] During Ultear's early childhood, she is brought by Ur to a
research facility to save her life. However, the doctors there subject her to
their experiments and later trick Ur into thinking that Ultear has died.
Oblivious to this realization as she flees, Ultear finds Ur with her students
and inadvertently thinks that Ur has abandoned and replaced her. Seeking
revenge, Ultear joins Grimoire Heart to awaken Zeref and modify the Arc of Time
with his power so she may travel to the past before her mother's disappearance
and kill her.[ch. 240,241]
Ultear manipulates Jellal Fernandes into becoming a servant of
Zeref by disguising herself as the dark wizard's spirit.[ch. 102] She later
joins the Magic Council and acts as Jellal's follower; she also tries to acquire
the demon Deliora for Jellal by disguising herself as Lyon's minion Zalty[n 30]
and helping him melt the ice made from Ur's body that freezes the demon.[ch.
42,46] Ultear destroys the council building after Jellal tricks the council
into firing Etherion at the Tower of Heaven.[ch. 95] Leading the 7 Kin of
Purgatory, Ultear discovers and captures Zeref during Fairy Tail's S-Class exam
on Tenrou Island; she later attempts to flee with Zeref and her guildmate
Meldy.[ch. 222,239] After Ultear falls into the ocean while fighting with Gray,
she experiences Ur's memories and realizes the truth of her abandonment.[ch.
241] Ultear reforms and helps the protagonists defeat Hades by using her magic
to restore the destroyed Tenrou Tree that enhances the power of the Fairy Tail
members on the island,[ch. 248] and later leaves Grimoire Heart with Meldy.[ch.
248,250] Ultear liberates Jellal from prison and forms Crime Sorcière with him
and Meldy during the disappearance of Tenrou Island, and aids Fairy Tail during
the Grand Magic Games by using her magic to double their magic power.[ch. 263]
In the Japanese version of the series, Ultear is voiced by Miyuki
Sawashiro.[13] In the English dub, she is voiced by Lydia Mackay.[7]
Magic Council
The Magic Council (魔法評議院
Mahō Hyōgiin?) is a federal republic overseeing the wizard guilds. Its
headquarters are in the town of Era. Most of its members do not hold Fairy Tail
in high regard due to their property-damaging tactics, despite the guild's role
in apprehending criminals and defeating monsters that threaten the peace.
Siegrain and Ultear are two of its younger members.[ch. 1] Another council
member is Org,[n 31] who, unlike his fellow members, gradually respects Fairy
Tail for its heroic efforts. Another member, Yajima,[n 32] is a longtime friend
of Makarov Dreyar's and one of the only council members who speaks in Fairy
Tail's defense.[ch. 131] The council's ultimate weapon is Etherion,[n 33] also
called the Satellite Square,[n 34] which fires a beam of immense, multi-elemental
magic energy called Ether-nano[ch. 94,97] that destroys anything in its
path.[ch. 79]
The council disbands following the Tower of Heaven's
destruction,[ch. 131] but later reforms under chairman Gran Doma[n 35] to
institute a tighter regime over the guilds.[ch. 200] The reformed council also
includes Lahar,[n 36][ch. 223] an official who personally oversees the arrests
of wanted criminals such as Jellal Fernandes and Oración Seis,[ch. 162] and
Dranbalt,[n 37][ch. 223] who uses memory-altering magic to disguise himself as
Mystogan's former disciple named Mest Gryder[n 38] so he can participate in the
S-Class exam on Tenrou Island and search for evidence against Fairy Tail to
dissolve the guild.[ch. 213] Both Lahar and Dranbalt eventually sympathize with
Fairy Tail,[ch. 223] and attempt to evacuate them from Tenrou Island when the
council threatens to destroy it to dispatch Grimoire Heart and Zeref.[ch. 228]
Blue Pegasus
Blue Pegasus (青い天馬(ブルーペガサス)
Burū Pegasasu?) is one of the official guilds in the series, and generally
consists of physically attractive men and women. The Blue Pegasus guild forms
an alliance with Fairy Tail alongside theLamia Scale and Cait Shelter guilds to
fight Oración Seis.[ch. 131] The master of the guild is Bob[n 39], who, unlike
most of his guild's members, is a cross-dressing man whose effeminate
mannerisms disturb some of the characters. One of its popular members is Karen
Lilica[n 40], a celestial wizard who uses Leo and Aries as her Gatekeys.[ch.
73] However, three years before the series' present, Karen is killed by
Angel[ch. 144] during one of her missions.[ch. 73]
Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki
Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki (一夜=ヴァンダレイ=寿
Ichiya-Vandarei-Kotobuki?, lit. "one night") is one of the top
wizards of Blue Pegasus.[ch. 139] In contrast to his attractive guildmates,
Ichiya is a stout and ugly man. He is a self-fashioned womanizer whose presence
and attitude easily causes Erza Scarlet to lose composure.[ch. 132] He uses
supportive "parfum" magic, from healing to enhancing strength and
speed.[ch. 132,135,161,276] He and the Tri-Men are introduced to the Fairy Tail
members as Blue Pegasus' representatives in the alliance against Oración
Seis.[ch. 132] During the battle, he is captured by a dark guild supporting
Oración Seis,[ch. 135,137] but helps the alliance later to destroy Nirvana.[ch.
161] Ichiya is voiced by Show Hayami in the Japanese version of the series.
The Tri-men
The Tri-men (トライメンズ
Toraimenzu?) are a trio of wizards who act as Ichiya's personal entourage. They
are handsome young men, who serve and flatter women whenever possible.[ch. 132]
Hibiki "of the Hundred Nights"[n 41] Lates (ヒビキ・レイティス
Hibiki Reitisu?),[ch. 132,140] specializes in Archive (古文書
Komonjo?) magic where he can transfer information to another person
telepathically, sometimes with an item that resembles a computer terminal.[ch.
139,140] In the battle with Oracion Seis, he resists turning evil from the
Nirvana spell when Angel reveals that she killed Karen Lilica, Hibiki's lover,
but he uses that struggle to pass a powerful Urano Metria spell to Lucy.[ch.
144] Eve "of the Holy Nights"[n 42] Tearm (イヴ・ティルム
Ivu Tirumu?),[ch. 132] specializes in snow magic and is the most recent member
of Blue Pegasus after working as an apprentice Rune Knight with the Magic
Council.[ch. 143] Ren "of the Hollow Nights"[n 43] Akatsuki (レン・アカツキ?),[ch.
132] is a tan-skinned young man who uses wind magic,[ch. 142] and acts
tsundere, according to Lucy.[ch. 132] In the Japanese version of the series,
Hibiki, Eve and Ren are voiced by Takashi Kondō, Fuyuka Ōura and Masaya
Matsukaze, respectively.
Lamia Scale
Lamia Scale (蛇姫の鱗(ラミアスケイル)
Ramia Sukeiru?) is another prominent official guild featured in the series, led
by an elderly woman named Ooba Babasaama (オーバ・ババサーマ
Ōba Babasāma?). Several of its members are introduced as allies of the renegade
wizard Lyon Vastia, having left their guild to help Lyon revive the demon
Deliora and take revenge against it for causing their families' deaths. These
members return to their guild after Deliora dies, and even appear on a cover of
Sorceror Weekly magazine.[ch. 104] Lamia Scale later appears as one of the four
guilds besides Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, and Cait Shelter to form an alliance
against Oración Seis.[ch. 131]
Lyon Vastia
"Reitei"[n 44] Lyon Vastia (リオン・バスティア
Rion Basutia?) is an Ice Make wizard and Gray Fullbuster's fellow pupil under
Ur. Unlike Gray, who can only use Ice Make to create inanimate objects, Lyon
can create living golems from ice in the shape of animals, which can move and
attack on their own. He practices Ice Make using one hand rather than the
two-handed gesture Gray and Ur use, allowing him to cast his magic faster, but
also making his conjured ice less structurally stable. He also shares Gray's
habit of stripping down to his underwear. He harbors a resentment against Gray
for ruining his childhood ambition of surpassing Ur after she transforms
herself into ice to freeze Deliora and protect Gray. Lyon melts the ice made
from Ur's body using the ceremonial "Moon Drip" spell in order to
revive and kill Deliora, thinking he could surpass Ur by defeating the demon
she could not. Upon discovering that Deliora had died while frozen by Ur, Lyon
follows Gray's advice to move on by joining Lamia Scale. He reappears later in
the series as an ally of Fairy Tail, representing his guild in the alliance
against Oración Seis.[ch. 132] He later falls in love with Juvia on sight,
which confuses her greatly as she loves Gray. In the Japanese version of the
series, Lyon is voiced by Yūki Kaji.[13] In the English dub, where he is called
"Cold Emperor" Lyon Vastia, he is voiced by Jerry Jewell.
Sherry Blendy
Sherry Blendy (シェリー・ブレンディ
Sherī Burendi?) is a 17-year-old wizard[ch. 136] introduced as one of Lyon's
followers. She can transform "non-human" objects such as wood and
rocks into giant dolls that she can control at will using a spell called Doll
Play (人形磯 Ningyōgeki?, translated as "Marionette
Attack" in the Funimation dub); she can also perform this technique on
celestial spirits to control their actions. She has romantic feelings for Lyon,
and has a habit of preaching nonsensical speeches emphasizing the word Love (愛
Ai?). She also keeps a gargantuan rat named Angelica (アンジェリカ
Anjerika?) as a pet. She initially leaves Lamia Scale to join Lyon Vastia in
summoning Deliora with the hope of killing it to avenge her parents' death.[ch.
136] Rejoining Lamia Scale, Sherry participates in the alliance to battle
Oración Seis.[ch. 131] After Racer apparently kills Lyon with a suicidal
lacrima explosion,[ch. 140] Sherry falls into shock which leads to murderous
vengeance on Gray and Fairy Tail when she is affected by Nirvana.[ch. 142,145]
Sherry is voiced by Yuka Iguchi in the Japanese version of the series.[13] In
the English dub, she is voiced by Trina Nishimura.
Yūka Suzuki and Toby
Yūka Suzuki (ユウカ・スズキ?)
and Toby (トビー Tobī?) are two of
Lyon's other followers besides Sherry. Yūka is a young man with large eyebrows
who can generate waves of magical energy from his hands that negate other
wizards' magic. Toby is a dimwitted young man who wears a cat costume and
behaves in a feline manner, and can grow elongated fingernails that can
paralyze whoever is touched by them. In the anime adaptation, Yūka and Toby are
respectively voiced by Masaki Kawanabe and Daisuke Kishio in the Japanese
version. In the English dub, they are voiced by Anthony Bowling and Chad
Jura Neekis
"Iron Rock"[n 45] Jura Neekis (ジュラ・ネェキス
Jura Nekisu?),[ch. 137] is the most powerful member of Lamia Scale, and one of
the representatives of his guild during the alliance against Oracion Seis[ch.
132] He is also one of the Ten Wizard Saints,[ch. 132] proficient in various
forms of earth magic that allow him to transform soil and rock into unbreakable
stone columns he can conjure from the ground. Despite his strength, he is very
humble and considers himself to be the weakest of the Wizard Saints.[ch. 133]
Jura's voice is supplied by Yutaka Aoyama.
Dark guilds
Dark guilds (闇ギルド
Yami Girudo?) are the primary antagonists of Fairy Tail. They are guilds that
operate without the consent of the Magic Council, and are generally depicted as
criminal organizations.
Eisenwald (鉄の森(アイゼンヴァルト) Aizenvaruto?)
is one of the dark guilds that is controlled by Oracion Seis. The guild's most
powerful member and acting leader is Erigor (エリゴール
Erigōru?), a wizard who only accepts assassination jobs, for which he is also
known as the "Death God" (死神
Shinigami?). He wields a scythe and can create gusts of wind capable of cutting
skin and forming barriers. Among the guild's other members are Kageyama (カゲヤマ?),
who can transform his shadow into a tangible substance that he can manipulate
to suit his needs; Rayule (レイユール
Reiyūru?), who wields a set of urumi blades around his fingers that he can
extend at will; Karacka (カラッカ
Karakka?), who can merge his entire body with and move through solid objects;
and Byard (ビアード Biādo?), who can
produce beams of light from his hands. The guild tries to assassinate the
official guild masters in Fiore using the Lullaby, a flute with a demon sealed
inside by Zeref that kills anyone who hears its music. The guild is dissolved
after being defeated by Fairy Tail.
Raven Tail
Raven Tail (レイヴンテイル
Reivun Teiru?)[n 46] is a guild introduced as a dark guild independent from the
Balam Alliance,[ch. 131] and becomes an official guild shortly after Fairy
Tail's return from Tenrou Island.[ch. 267] Its master and founder is Ivan
Dreyar,[n 47] Makarov's son and the father of Laxus.[ch. 128] A member of Fairy
Tail until his expulsion from the guild six years before the series' present
for unspecified reasons,[ch. 119] Ivan seeks revenge against Makarov and plans
to remove and sell the lacrima he has implanted in Laxus's body, which would
kill his son.[ch. 128] The other members of Raven Tail include a mage who wears
golden armor named Alexei (who is actually Ivan in disguise);[ch. 269] Obra,[n
48] who can instantaneously cancel out any spell his opponent uses;[ch.
267,272] Flare Corona,[n 49] who can extend and change the shape of her
prehensile hair;[ch. 271] Kurohebi,[n 50] who can mimic any opponent's
magic;[ch. 277] and Nulpuding,[n 51] who can grow spikes on parts of his
body.[ch. 269] Gajeel Redfox pretends to be a member of this guild under
Makarov's orders to spy on Ivan.[ch. 128]
Balam Alliance
The Balam Alliance (バラム同盟
Baramu Dōmei?) is a body consisting of Oración Seis, Tartaros, and Grimoire
Heart, Fiore's three most powerful dark guilds in the series. Despite being
called an "alliance", it is actually a non-aggression pact between
the three guilds, which act independently from one another and each control a
faction of all the other dark guilds in the series with the exception Raven
Tail. They serve as the primary antagonists of Fairy Tail.
Oración Seis
Oración Seis (オラシオンセイス
Orashion Seisu?, lit. "Six Prayers")[n 52] is the first guild of the
Balam Alliance to be introduced as antagonists in Fairy Tail. It shares the
same name as a group of antagonists from Hiro Mashima's previous work, Rave
Master; Mashima ended up using the name at the last minute.[vol.
16:afterword][23] The guild controls several smaller dark guilds that serve as
minor antagonists prior to the alliance's introduction, including Eisenwald, as
well as Naked Mummy[n 53], which holds Jude Heartfilia's prospective merchant
guild hostage until Lucy Heartfilia defeats them.[ch. 130] Oración Seis seeks
to destroy the world's official guilds and create a new world order using Nirvana[n
54], an ancient spell created and sealed away by the tribal ancestors of the
Cait Shelter guild that takes the form of a giant, walking city,[ch. 147,164]
and has the power to reverse the moral behavior of those afflicted with good or
evil thoughts, turning inherently "good" characters "evil"
and vice versa.[ch. 142] Despite being the smallest guild in the series with
only six members, it is considered powerful and dangerous enough for the Fairy
Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Cait Shelter guilds to form an alliance to
combat it.[ch. 132] These four guilds eventually succeed in defeating Oración
Seis, its members arrested by the Magic Council soon afterward.[ch. 162]
The founder and master of Oración Seis is Brain[n 55], Jellal
Fernandes's childhood mentor from the Tower of Heaven. He is named for his
former position as a researcher at the Bureau of Magical Development where
various forms of magic are created.[ch. 147] He is a superintelligent wizard
with prowess over various spells, including vortexes of dark magic he conjures
from his staff Klodoa[n 56],[ch. 134] which has a mind of its own.[ch. 154]
Brain believes wizards from official guilds to be inferior to his guild, and
does not hesitate to dispose of any of his guild's members who lose to them.[ch.
251] To help him find where Nirvana is sealed, Brain kidnaps Wendy Marvell and
forces her to revive Jellal, who leads him to Nirvana while following his few
remaining memories of the spell despite his amnesiac state.[ch. 147] Brain has
an alternate personality named Zero[n 57] who craves destruction and tries
using Nirvana to destroy everything he sees.[ch. 156] Brain suppresses Zero
with a magic seal consisting of six lines on his face; each line represents a
guild member's strongest desire, referred to as a "prayer".[ch. 156]
However, a line disappears with each member's defeat,[ch. 145,152] and when all
lines are erased, Zero is freed.[ch. 156] The three Dragon Slayers (Natsu,
Gajeel, Wendy) team up to defeat Zero.[ch. 161] Brain and Zero are voiced by
Tetsu Inada.[11]
The other five Oración Seis members are handpicked by Brain from a
group of child slaves from the Tower of Heaven:
Cobra the "Poison Dragon"[n 58][n 59] is a wizard with
Dragon Slayer lacrima implanted in his body, similar to Laxus Dreyar.[ch. 150]
He can perform Poison Dragon Slayer magic[n 60] to breathe clouds of toxic gas
and turn his hands into venomous claws. He also has hyper-sensitive hearing
that allows him to hear others' movements and read their thoughts,[ch. 149] and
keeps a giant flying snake named Cubelios[n 61] as a pet.[ch. 134]
Racer[n 62] can slow down the flow of time for his opponents
within a limited radius to trick them into thinking he can move at
imperceptible speeds,[ch. 133,140] and can summon remotely controlled
motorcycles from nowhere.[ch. 139]
Hoteye the "Heaven's Gaze"[n 63][n 64] uses two forms of
magic: Liquid Ground,[n 65] with which he can soften solid ground into clay and
manipulate it at will; and Heaven's Gaze,[n 66] which allows him to see through
solid objects.Because of a conflicting desire to find his brother, Hoteye is
affected by Nirvana and betrays Oración Seis by assisting the official guild
alliance.[ch. 141,142] His real name is Richard Buchanan,[n 67][ch. 149] who is
Wally Buchanan's older brother.[ch. 162]
Angel[n 68] is a celestial wizard and the murderer of Karen Lilica
who possesses the celestial spirits Gemini, Scorpio, Aries—whose key she had
stolen from Karen—and Caelum.[ch. 144,145]
Midnight[n 69] is Brain's adopted son who is often shown sleeping
on a magic carpet.[ch. 134] He uses magic called Reflector[n 70] to deflect all
other forms of magic, bend and distort all sorts of objects, and refract light
to create illusions.[ch. 154,155]
Grimoire Heart
Grimoire Heart (グリモアハート
Gurimoa Hāto?)[n 71] is the strongest dark guild of the Balam Alliance,[ch.
207] and the second from the alliance to be featured as one of the primary
antagonists of Fairy Tail. The guild aims to reawakenZeref, whom they believe
to be in a "sleeping" state in which he cannot use the full extent of
his power,[ch. 102] with which they hope to create a "world of great
magic" where only wizards can thrive while non-magic users, who make up
over 90% of Earthland's population, will perish.[ch. 221] The guild travels
around Fiore in an airship, causing destruction to create magical
"keys" they think will unlock Zeref's power.[ch. 102] Grimoire Heart
finds Zeref on Tenrou Island at the same time that several of Fairy Tail's strongest
members take their S-Class promotion exam there,[ch. 207] resulting in a war
between the two guilds that ends with Grimoire Heart losing and retreating from
the island,[ch. 249] and two of its members, Ultear and Meldy leaving the
group.[ch. 250]. Grimoire Heart then learns from Zeref that his power has never
been sealed to begin with, denouncing their actions as being based on
inaccurate rumors.[ch. 250] Grimoire Heart's actions also inadvertently summon
the dragon Acnologia to Tenrou Island, causing the island's apparent
destruction.[ch. 252]
The guild's founder and master is Hades,[n 72] whose true identity
is Purehito,[n 73] the second guild master of Fairy Tail.[ch. 214] Forty years
before the series' present, Purehito names Makarov Dreyar the guild master of
Fairy Tail and embarks on a quest for knowledge to find the original source of
magic power, which he traces back to Zeref.[ch. 215] He then forms Grimoire
Heart for the purpose of reawakening Zeref's supposedly sealed power, believing
he may find the source of magic in the "world of great magic" that
Zeref will bring about.[ch. 249] Hades uses a machine he refers to as his
"heart" on board his guild's airship to sustain his life force and
increase his magic power,[ch. 248] becoming powerful enough to defeat Makarov
easily[ch. 215] and survive any manner of attack without being injured.[ch.
243] Among the spells he is capable of performing are Grimoire Law,[n 74] which
he uses to counteract Makarov's Fairy Law,[ch. 214] and Nemesis,[n 75] with
which he can transform rubble into living demons.[ch. 247] He is defeated by
Natsu Dragneel and his friends after being made vulnerable once his mechanical
heart is destroyed by Happy andCarla,[ch. 248] and is killed by Zeref shortly
afterwards.[ch. 249,250] Hades is voiced by Masashi Hirose in the Japanese
version of the series.[25] In the English dub, he is voiced by John Swasey.[18]
The second-in-command of Grimoire Heart is Bluenote Stinger,[n
76][ch. 228] who uses gravity magic called Black Hole[n 77] to hold down his
opponents.[ch. 231,238] Also among Grimoire Heart's ranks are the 7 Kin of
Purgatory[n 78], an elite group of seven wizards raised by Hades; they
specialize in different forms of Lost Magic[n 79] that only they practice.[ch.
217] The members of the Seven Kin include:
Ultear Milkovich the Time Mage,[ch. 210] the leader of the Seven
Azuma,[n 80] who uses Great Tree Arc[n 81] magic to control the
growth of and merge his body with trees,[ch. 213] and to draw magical power
from the earth to cause explosions.[ch. 235] He is even able to uproot the tree
on Tenrou Island, causing the Fairy Tail wizards to lose much of their
power.[ch. 235]
Rustyrose,[n 82] who can materialize anything from his imagination
using Arc of Embodiment[n 83] magic.[ch. 222]
Kain Hikaru,[n 84] who uses voodoo-like curse magic called Ushi no
Koku Mairi[n 85] and also has formidable physical strength.[ch. 226]
Zoldio,[n 86] a celestial wizard fused with the spirit Capricorn
into a being named Caprico,[n 87] who uses Huma Raise[n 88] to summon humans he
imprisons in another dimension in a manner similar to celestial spirits.[ch.
Zancrow,[n 89] a God Slayer[n 90] who uses a more destructive
variation of Natsu's magic to conjure black flames that Natsu is incapable of eating.[ch.
Meldy, a young woman who can link people's senses so they can
experience physical pain and even death.[ch. 229,230]
There are also two soldiers who serve under Caprico named
Kawazu,[n 91] an anthropomorphic rooster who uses Egg Buster[n 92] magic to
fire eggs from his mouth, and Yomazu,[n 93] an anthropomorphic camel samurai
who uses Solid Script mage like Levy McGarden to attack and defend against
opponents by writing kanji.[ch. 212]
The "Black Wizard"[n 94] Zeref (ゼレフ
Zerefu?) is one of the primary antagonists of Fairy Tail. He is mentioned
throughout the series as the most evil wizard to ever live, having the
abilities to create and control legions of massive demons,[ch. 21] and to
instantaneously kill any and all living things in his presence.[ch. 200] Two of
Zeref's demons, Lullaby[n 95] and Deliora[n 96], serve as minor antagonists in
the series. Rumors pertaining to Zeref's defeat 400 years before the series's
present serve as a driving force for several other antagonists throughout the
story—Jellal Fernandes thinks Zeref is dead and builds the Tower of Heaven to
resurrect him,[ch. 82] while the members of Grimoire Heartthink that he has
merely been sealed into a "sleeping" state in which he cannot use the
full extent of his power, which they try to awaken.[ch. 102] In actuality,
Zeref has lived on Tenrou Island since his "defeat" as an unaging
young man whose strength varies between two different personalities—a
benevolent one that cherishes life but is unable to control his deadly magic,
and a malevolent one that disregards life and can use his magic at will and to
its fullest extent.[ch. 250] Because he is capable of cherishing life, Zeref is
self-loathing and wishes to be killed by Natsu Dragneel, who he is familiar
with under unknown circumstances.[ch. 209] During the S-Class exam on Tenrou
Island, Zeref kills Hades and leaves with the Grimoire Heart airship after
Tenrou Island disappears. Seven years later, Zeref conceives a plot for their
Eclipse Plan by kidnapping Lucy Heartfilia and displaying the discord between
Fairy Tail and Raven Tail in the Grand Magic Games. In the Japanese version of
the series, Zeref is voiced by Akira Ishida.
Other characters and groups
Phantom Lord
Phantom Lord (ファントムロード
Fantomu Rōdo?)[n 97] is one of the official guilds of Fiore, and a longtime
rival guild of Fairy Tail. It contends with Fairy Tail as the strongest guild
in the Fiore before the disappearance of Tenrou Island, having thousands of
members stationed in multiple subdivisions throughout the country.[ch. 65] At
the guild's disposal is a mobile, legged guildhall containing a cannon called
Jupiter[n 98] that fires a concentrated beam of destructive magical energy.[ch.
51] The guildhall can transform into a large mecha capable of casting Abyss
Break[n 99], a forbidden spell powered by magic of the four classical elements
that is capable of destroying all of Magnolia.[ch. 54,56]Phantom Lord has a
history of skirmishes with Fairy Tail, which comes to a head after one of
Phantom Lord dispatches one of its strongest members, Gajeel Redfox, to destroy
the Fairy Tail guildhall and injure Levy McGarden and her friends.[ch. 47] This
leads to a war between the two guilds, resulting in Fairy Tail's victory and
Phantom Lord being dissolved by the Magic Council for provoking Fairy Tail.[ch.
The guild master of Phantom Lord is Jose Porla[n 100], one of the
Ten Wizard Saints who specializes in using the element of darkness to create
ghost-like apparitions called Shades[n 101] that drain the strength of anyone
they come in contact with. He is Makarov Dreyar's self-fashioned rival and
holds a resentment against Fairy Tail for its quick rise to fame, thinking that
Phantom Lord is the superior of the two guilds.[ch. 65] Having discovered
Heartfilia family daughterLucy's membership in Fairy Tail, Jose kidnaps her at
the request of Jude and orders the assault on Fairy Tail.[ch. 47] However, Jose
decides to hold Lucy for ransom and monopolize her family's fortune out of fear
that Fairy Tail intends to do the same, failing to realize that she has run
away from home.[ch. 64] After being defeated by Makarov, Jose is stripped of
his title as a Wizard Saint along with his guild's dissolution.[ch. 65,69] In
the Japanese version of the series, Jose is voiced by Takashi Matsuyama.[16] In
the English dub, he is voiced by Ed Blaylock.
Among Phantom Lord's ranks are the Element 4,[n 102] a quartet of
wizards equivalent in rank to Fairy Tail's S-Class wizards. They each
specialize in a magic type based on one of the four classical elements. During
the guild war, the Phantom Lord guild hall unit is powered by Element 4's magic
which is used to cast Abyss Break, but the unit gradually slows down with each
member's defeat, and stops altogether after all four are defeated.[ch. 59]
Aria of the "Great Sky"[n 103][n 104], a melancholy
wizard who uses air magic to drain other wizards of their magic energy,
performing this magic on Makarov early in the guild war to render him
powerless.[ch. 49] Aria generates his magic power from his eyes, which he
covers with a blindfold to contain his power.[ch. 58]
Sol of the "Great Land"[n 105][n 106], a French-speaking
wizard who uses earth magic to merge his body into the ground and coil his body
around his opponents.[ch. 47]
Totomaru of the "Great Flame"[n 107][n 108] is a samurai
who uses fire magic to manipulate any flame at will, regardless of whether it
is natural fire or produced by wizards such as Natsu Dragneel.[ch. 52] He is
also a practitioner of Rainbow Fire magic,[ch. 53] which he teaches to Romeo
Conbolt during the disappearance of Tenrou Island after becoming a magic
teacher.[ch. 256]
Juvia Lockser, who joins Fairy Tail after Phantom Lord's
disbandment,[ch. 103] serves as the group's resident water magic
specialist.[ch. 47]
Tower of Heaven
The Tower of Heaven (楽園の塔
Rakuen no Tō?) is a tower designed to bring a deceased individual back to life
through a form of magic called the Revive System[n 109], also known simply as
the R-System[n 110], which can only be activated once the tower is infused with
massive amounts of magic power.[ch. 78] It is originally built through slave
labor by a cult of evil wizards for the purpose of resurrecting Zeref.[ch. 81]
Among the slaves forced to build the tower areErza Scarlet and Jellal
Fernandes, the latter of whom takes over construction of the tower while under
the manipulation of Ultear Milkovich posing as the spirit of Zeref.[ch. 102]
Jellal tricks members of the Magic Council into firing their ultimate weapon
Etherion on the tower,[ch. 79] absorbing the attack's energy and revealing the
tower's true form, a giant lacrima crystal.[ch. 94] Once empowered, the tower
must fuse with the body of a wizard comparable in power to that of a Wizard
Saint,[ch. 97] breaking the wizard's body down and using it as a reincarnation
of Zeref's body.[ch. 95] Natsu destroys the tower when he duels and defeats
Jellal before he can sacrifice Erza.[ch. 98-100]
Serving as Jellal's followers in the tower are four other slaves
whom Erza and Jellal befriend as children—Shō[n 111], who views Erza like his
older sister and possesses an enchanted deck of cards he can trap others
inside;[ch. 76]Simon[n 112], who harbors romantic feelings for Erza[ch. 81] and
practices telepathy and darkness magic, including a spell called Dark Moment[n
113] that covers the surrounding area in darkness;[ch. 76] "Mad
Dog"[n 114] Wally Buchanan[n 115], a gangster-like gunslinger with an
angular body that he can separate into blocks at will;[ch. 76] and Millianna[n
116], who has an obsession with cats and can conjure a rope called a Kitty
Restraint Tube[n 117] to bind her opponents and drain their magic power.[ch.
76] When Erza flees the Tower of Heaven, Jellal convinces the four that Erza
has abandoned them.[ch. 82] However, Shō, Wally, and Millianna later realize
the truth and turn on Jellal.[ch. 83]Simon remains faithful to Erza, saving her
from Jellal's Altairis attack at the cost of his own life.[ch. 97] Following
Jellal's defeat, Shō, Wally, and Millianna are invited by Erza to join Fairy
Tail,[ch. 101] but they decline so that they may live for themselves and go
their separate ways.[ch. 102] Seven years later, Erza reunites with Millianna,
now a member of the Mermaid Heel guild, during the Grand Magic Games.
Jellal also employs a trio of assassins from the dark guild
Death's Head Caucus[n 118] called Trinity Raven[n 119].[ch. 84,85] Mashima
created Trinity Raven "at the last moment" because he "started
feeling really sorry for [Erza's child slave friends]" after originally intending
for them to oppose Erza's group.[vol. 11:afterword] Each member's name is a
reference to a different type of bird.[vol. 10:translation notes] The trio is
led by Ikaruga[n 120],[ch. 84] a woman who wears a kimonoand wields a katana
capable of cutting through any material.[ch. 91] Another member, Vidaldus
Taka[n 121], is introduced before his two companions as Jellal's stoic
attendant[ch. 76] before revealing himself to look and behave more like arock
musician.[ch. 84] Vidaldus has hair that can absorb any liquid, and uses an
electric guitar to perform a spell called Rock of Succubus[n 122] that takes
control of his opponents' minds, turning them into groupies.[ch. 86] The third
member, Fukuro[n 123], is a man with an owl's head who wears a jet pack, and
can perform the same magic his opponents use by swallowing them.[ch. 88]
Trinity Raven's ultimate fate is not shown after Fairy Tail defeats them and
the tower is destroyed,[ch. 93] though they flee the tower's destruction in the
anime adaptation.
Edolas (エドラス Edorasu?) is a parallel
universe that exists separately from Earthland, the universe in which Fairy
Tail takes place. Edolas is inhabited by physical counterparts of characters
from the series, though most of their personalities differ radically, as do a select
few of their physical attributes such as height, age, and species.[ch. 170,176]
Among these characters are Mystogan, Jellal Fernandes' counterpart,[ch. 120]
and Poluchka, the human counterpart of the dragon Grandine.[ch. 260] Unlike in
Earthland, magic is a limited resource in Edolas and cannot be used as a
natural ability by humans, who instead perform magic using items infused with
lacrima.[ch. 172] Edolas' magic supply is replenished through the use of
inter-dimensional portals called Anima,[n 124] which absorb magic power from
Earthland and transform it into lacrima;[ch. 169] this process also affects
wizards, who are transformed into lacrima as well.[ch. 170] However, the
absorption process does not affect Dragon Slayers, Exceeds,[ch. 168] or celestial
spirits,[ch. 172] While in Edolas, the protagonists are unable to perform magic
until they ingest medicine called X-Balls[n 125]provided by Mystogan.[ch. 180]
Mystogan eventually saves Magnolia by reversing the Anima portal so it returns
all magic power to Earthland,[ch. 193] permanently depleting Edolas' magic
supply.[ch. 197,198]
The Edolas Kingdom[n 126] is ruled by Faust[n 127], the king of
Edolas and Mystogan's father, who is an antagonist in the series.[ch. 171,190]
In the anime adaptation, Faust is suggested to be the Edolas counterpart of
Makarov Dreyar, fitting the description of a "backwards" counterpart
due to his twisted self-importance, as well as being physically taller than
Makarov.[22] He strives to bestow a limitless supply of magic on his kingdom by
ramming the lacrima crystal made from Magnolia's residents into Extalia, the
kingdom of the Exceeds,[ch. 180] using the Dragon Chain Cannon[n 128], a weapon
that is powered by Dragon Slayer magic.[ch. 183] After the protagonists foil
his plan, he pilots an armored, dragon-shaped mecha called Droma Anim[n 129] to
battle Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox, and Wendy Marvell.[ch. 190] Faust is
served by four captains of Edolas' army—Pantherlily,[ch. 171] who later joins
Fairy Tail in Earthland;[ch. 200]"Fairy Hunter"[n 130] Erza
Knightwalker,[n 131] Erza Scarlet's cruel counterpart[ch. 170] who wields magic
spear called Ten Commandments[n 132] which changes its head to invoke different
combative powers;[ch. 180] Hughes,[n 133] who uses a wand called the Command
Tact[n 134] to control various attractions from Faust's indoor amusement park
in combat;[ch. 182] and Sugarboy,[n 135] who wields a sword called Rosa
Espada[n 136] to soften materials. Other members of Faust's court include
Byro,[n 137] Edolas' chief of staff[ch. 171] who uses various magical potions
to cast spells, including one that transforms him into a giant octopus;[ch.
184] and Coco,[n 138] the young assistant chief of staff,[ch. 170]who commands
an army of flying beasts called Legions.[n 139][ch. 187] Faust and his army are
defeated by the protagonists,[ch. 194] and Mystogan replaces Faust as king of
Edolas.[ch. 197]
As with Earthland, an alternate version of the Fairy Tail guild
exists in Edolas.[ch. 170] Due to the prohibition of magic outside of the
Edolas capital, Edolas' Fairy Tail is considered a dark guild, hunted by the
Royal Army, and is the last remaining magic guild in Edolas.[ch. 170,171] Its
guildhall is built inside a cluster of large roots, which can mechanically
burrow underground to change its location and escape the army.[ch. 170] Its
members are all counterparts of Earthland's Fairy Tail wizards,[ch. 170] save
Lisanna Strauss, who acts as her deceased counterpart after being trapped in
Edolas.[ch. 199] Among its members are Natsu "Fireball"[n 140]
Dragion[n 141][ch. 175] Natsu Dragneel's timid counterpart who only acts
confidently while driving vehicles, and is the guild's transportation
specialist;[ch. 173,174] Lucy Ashley,[n 142][ch. 175] a tomboyish version of
Lucy Heartfilia who enjoys bullying her guildmates and has a fierce rivalry
with the Edolas counterpart of Levy McGarden;[ch. 170] and Gray Sorouge,[n
143][ch. 180] a version of Gray Fullbuster who wears multiple layers of
clothing and harbors overt but one-sided romantic feelings for the Edolas
counterpart of Juvia Lockser.[ch. 170] The members of Edolas' Fairy Tail become
allies to the Earthland Fairy Tail wizards and help them battle the Edolas
army.[ch. 192] The anime adaptation also features a counterpart of Gajeel, a
mild-mannered news reporter and Edolas Fairy Tail's informant,[27] who helps
Gajeel Redfox rescue his guildmates.
Exceeds (エクシード Ekushīdo?) are a race
of cat-like creatures that Happy, Carla, and Pantherlily come from. They reside
on a floating island called Extalia (エクスタリア
Ekusutaria?) that is elevated high above the Edolas Kingdom. They possess a
natural ability to absorb magical power into their bodies, and can grow wings
on their back using the ability "Aera". The Exceeds are revered by the
residents of the Edolas Kingdom as divine beings for their powers, and consider
themselves superior to humans.[ch. 175-177] In reality, however, Exceeds are
generally weak and insecure individuals, and their divinity is only a ruse
devised by the rulers of Extalia to bolster their race's self-confidence.[ch.
188]Unlike cats, Exceeds reproduce by laying eggs.[vol. 15:extra]
The Exceeds are ruled by queen Chagot (シャゴット
Shagotto?), who is revered as a deity in the Edolas Kingdom as well. Despite
her reputation, Chagot has very little magical power, and can only use Aera to
produce one wing. However, she can perform precognition, which when applied to
human's fates, makes her seem like a deity. Upon seeing a premonition of her
kingdom's destruction, Chagot sends 100 Exceed eggs to Earthland. To prevent a
panic among the Exceeds, it is announced that the unborn Exceeds were sent on a
mission to hunt Dragon Slayers, leading Carla to think that this is her real
mission due to her own precognitive powers. Two other members of Chagot's
court—Nichiya(ニチヤ?), the captain of
Extalia's imperial guard and Ichiya's Edolas counterpart, and Nadi (ナディ?),
Extalia's long-necked Minister of State—help uphold the queen's ruse. Six years
later, when Faust rebels against the Exceeds, Chagot reveals the truth to Carla
about herself, that she is a mere Exceed. After Faust's defeat and the
destruction of Extalia, Mystogan enhances the Reverse Anima portal so that it
transports every magical being to Earthland, including the Exceeds; upon
arrival the Exceeds decide they will search for their children. Chagot is also
the mother of Carla; however, she withholds this fact from her and joins the
search with the other Exceeds.[ch. 176,177,188,198]
Sabertooth (セイバートゥース
Seibātūsu?)[n 144] is an official guild that replaces Fairy Tail as the
strongest guild in Fiore during Tenrou Island's disappearance.[ch. 258] Its
master is Jienma,[n 145] an intimidating man who is obsessed with maintaining
his guild's strength, and harshly penalizes anyone he perceives as weak.[ch.
281] The guild earns its fame upon the inclusion of five powerful wizards, two
of whom are Sting "White Dragon"[n 146] Eucliffe[n 147] and Rogue
"Shadow Dragon"[n 148] Cheney,[n 149] a pair of Dragon Slayers known
collectively as the "Twin Dragons"[n 150] of Sabertooth.[ch. 258]
They are "third generation" Dragon Slayers, combining the
magic-learning methods of Dragon Slayers from the "first generation",
who are taught their magic from dragons, and "second generation", who
use their magic through lacrima implants. The two claim to have used their
magic to kill the dragon that raised them and thus consider themselves
"true" Dragon Slayers.[ch. 265] Both are partnered with Exceeds—
Sting's partner is Lecter,[n 151] who firmly believes in his guild's
superiority to all others, while Rogue's partner is Frosch,[n 152] who wears a
frog costume and almost always speaks in agreement to others.[ch. 258] The
other three members are Orga "Black Lightning"[n 153] Nanagear;[n
154][ch. 273] Rufus Lore,[n 155] a Memory-Make magic[n 156] user who can create
illusions of himself and pinpoint others' locations with his heightened
memorization ability;[ch. 270] and Minerva,[n 157] who is Jienma's
daughter.[ch. 283] A more recent member, celestial wizard Yukino Aguria,[n 158]
participates in the Grand Magic Games as Minerva's substitute,[ch. 268,282] but
is expelled from the guild as punishment after losing to Kagura Mikazuchi from
Mermaid Heel.[ch. 281]
Bora the "Prominence"[n 159] (ボラ?)
is the first antagonist to be introduced in Fairy Tail.[ch. 1] He is a fire
wizard who is kicked out of his guild Titan Nose[n 160] for assisting in
criminal activities such as thievery before the beginning of the series. He
uses magic charms while posing as the Fairy Tail wizard "Salamander"
to persuade young women into coming aboard his yacht so he can sell them as
slaves.[ch. 1] His actions nearly disillusion Lucy Heartfilia from joining
Fairy Tail before Natsu Dragneel exposes him as an imposter.[ch. 1] In the
anime adaptation, his reason for kidnapping young women is changed to forcing
them to act as glamour models.[29] In the Japanese version of the series, Bora
is voiced by Yoshimitsu Shimoyama.[6] In the English dub, he is voiced by Ian
Ur (ウル Uru?, Ul) is Ultear
Milkovich's mother,[ch. 46] and the adoptive mother of Lyon Vastia and Gray
Fullbuster.[ch. 36] Ur is a master of Ice-Make magic, which she teaches Lyon
and Gray how to perform. She brings her daughter to a research facility to save
her when she falls gravely ill from her immense magical power. She is later
told by the doctors there that Ultear has died, when they keep her alive to
experiment on her. Ur takes in Lyon and Gray as her students, eventually coming
to love them as her own children without viewing them as replacements for her
daughter. Ur uses Iced Shell, a spell that permanently transforms the caster's
body into ice, on the demon Deliora to freeze them both. In the beginning of
the series, Ur appears in the form of a large chunk of ice containing Deliora.
She has remained alive in this form until Lyon melts her using the Moon Drip
spell. Even after drifting out to sea as water, Ur remains alive to watch over
her students. In the Japanese version of the series, Ur is voiced by Miyuki
Sawashiro. In the English dub, she is voiced by Kira Vincent-Davis.
Poluchka (ポーリュシカ Pōryushika?) is an
elderly hermit who lives in the forest outside of Magnolia, and is a longtime
acquaintance of Makarov Dreyar. She is a wizard who specializes in creating
medicines to remedy all sorts of ailments and injuries. In the Phantom Lord
storyline, she restores Makarov's life force.[ch. 51,65] She restores the
11-year-old Erza Scarlet's right eye when Erza joins Fairy Tail.[ch. 100] In
the anime adaptation, she is stated to be a former member of the Fairy Tail
guild. Later, Poluchka reveals herself to be the Edolas counterpart of
Grandine. In the Japanese version of the series, Poluchka is voiced by Shōko
Tsuda. In the English dub, her name is spelled Porlyusica, and she is voiced by
Linda Young.
Meldy (メルディ Merudi?) is a young
girl introduced as a member of the 7 Kin of Purgatory from Grimoire Heart.[ch.
210] Similar to the others in the Seven Kin, Meldy specializes in a Lost Magic
type; her Maguilty Sense (マギルティ=センスMaguriti-Sensu?)
spell synchronizes the physical sensations of two or more people, so when one
experiences pain or dies from an attack, everyone in the connection suffers the
same fate.[ch. 229] The spell also affects the targets' emotions, and if one of
their emotions are strong enough, that person becomes capable of reading the
others' emotions for as long as the spell remains in effect.[ch. 230] To
attack, Meldy uses a spell called Maguilty Sodom (マギルティ=ソドム
Magiruti-Sodomu?) to produce blades of light that directly affect her opponents'
sense of pain.[ch. 225]
Meldy is taken in by Ultear Milkovich as an orphan after her
hometown is destroyed, unaware that Ultear and Grimoire Heart are responsible
for the town's destruction.[ch. 230,250] Meldy comes to love Ultear like her
mother,[ch. 230] joining Grimoire Heart as a Seven Kin member, and assisting
Ultear during the mission to capture Zeref, whose magic combined with Ultear's
Arc of Time restores her hometown.[ch. 242] She also participates in Grimoire
Heart's attack on Tenrou Island to exterminate the Fairy Tail members,[ch. 215]
especially Gray Fullbuster whom she believes hurt Ultear and killed Ultear's
mother, Ur.[ch. 228] She uses Maguilty Sense to connect Juvia Lockser to Gray
but the painful followup hits she inflicts do not stop Juvia nor break her
determination.[ch. 229,230] She turns the fight into a stalemate by casting
Maguilty Sense on herself, threatening suicide and consequently death to
everyone connected, but Juvia closes in and subdues her with a hug, convincing
her to live for the one she loves, and Meldy surrenders.[ch. 230] She later
learns the truth of her home's destruction from Zancrow,[ch. 242] but rescues
Ultear from drowning herself out of guilt and forgives her, and the two leave
Grimoire Heart.[ch. 250] During the Fairy Tail members' seven year
disappearance on Tenrou Island, Meldy, Ultear, and Jellal Fernandes become
members of the Crime Sorcière guild.[ch. 263] In the anime series, her voice
actress is Saori Gotō.
Celestial spirits
Celestial spirits (星霊
seirei?) are beings from the Celestial Spirit World, a world parallel to
Earthland, who are contracted by celestial wizards like Lucy Heartfilia to be
summoned to their masters' sides through the use of enchanted keys called
Gatekeys to battle and perform other tasks. They are governed by an
all-powerful spirit called Celestial Spirit King (星霊王
Seirei-Ō?), and are each named after and based on one of the 88 modern
constellations. They are immortal and possess various magic powers and
abilities, but lose their power when they remain outside their realm for
extended periods of time, which is fatal to them.[ch. 72-74]
Nikora of "Canis Minor"[n 161] (ニコラ?)
is a common breed of celestial spirit normally kept by celestial wizards as
pets.[ch. 4] Lucy keeps a Nikora spirit tha she names Plue (プルー
Purū?), who is identical in appearance and mannerisms to the character of the
same name from Hiro Mashima's earlier work, Rave Master.[vol. 1:afterword] He
is based on the Canis Minor constellation,[ch. 4] while his species is named
after Nicolas Louis de Lacaille.[vol. 1:translation notes] In the Japanese
version of the series, Nikora is voiced by Saori Gotō. In the English dub, his
species name is spelled "Nicola" and he is voiced by Majken Bullard.
Horologium the "Clock"[n 162] (ホロロギウム
Hororogiumu?) is an anthropomorphic grandfather clock who is typically summoned
by Lucy to use for shelter or transportation,[ch. 3] and can summon himself to
defend her or her friends from danger.[ch. 244] Horologium's cavity is
soundproof from the inside, requiring him to repeat everything the person
inside him says,[ch. 3] even when no one else is around to hear it.[ch. 4] In
the Japanese version of the series, Horologium is voiced by Masaki Kawanabe.[6]
In the English dub, he is voiced by Ben Bryant.
Lyra the "Harp"[n 163] (リラ
Rira?) takes the form of a cheery young girl with wings and a bonnet, and
carries a harp on her back. She is summoned for her singing abilities, which
have the power to embody the feelings of those who listen to them.[ch. 28] In
the Japanese version of the series, Lyra is voiced by Megumi Nakajima.[13] In
the English dub, she is voiced by Kristin Sutton.
Crux the "Southern Cross"[n 164] (クルックス
Kurukkusu?) is an elderly spirit with a large, cross-shaped head. He holds encyclopedic
knowledge about celestial spirits and their owners, which he is able to obtain
by sleeping, and screams loudly whenever he discovers what his master asks him
to find. Lucy summons him to learn more about Loke's previous relationships
with a celestial wizard, leading to her discovery that he is a spirit.[ch. 72]
In the Japanese version of the series, Crux is voiced by Masafumi Kimura.[29]
In the English dub, he is voiced by Bill Flynn.
Caelum the "Chisel"[n 165] (カエルム
Kaerumu?) is a spirit controlled by Angel. It takes the form of a mechanical
sphere that can transform into a cannon or sword, and is typically wielded as a
weapon.[ch. 144] It is depicted in the manga as an inanimate object incapable
of speech or expression,[ch. 144] while it is proven to be a sentient being in
the anime adaptation when it refuses to kill Lucy after she demonstrates her
love for celestial spirits.
Pyxis the "Compass"[n 166] (ピクシス
Pikushisu?) takes the form of a penguin with a large compass on its head, which
allows it to provide directional references. Lucy acquires this spirit after
she returns from Tenrou Island, and uses it to help her team navigate the Sky
Labyrinth in the preliminary round of the Grand Magic Games.[ch. 266]
Ophiuchus the "Serpent Bearer"[n 167] (オフィウクス
Ofiukusu?) is a rare spirit owned by Yukino Aguria that takes the form of a
giant mechanical snake. It surpasses the twelve Zodiac spirits in power, for
which it is considered the "thirteenth" Zodiac spirit.[ch. 280]
Twelve Gates of the Zodiac
Whereas most weaker celestial spirits are summoned through the use
of common, store-bought silver Gatekeys, there are twelve golden keys that are
used to summon spirits of the Twelve Gates of the Zodiac (黄道十二門
Ōdō Jūnin-mon).[ch. 4] These spirits are more powerful than others, and require
their master to use a large amount of magic energy to summon.[ch. 143]
Aquarius the "Water Bearer"[n 168] (アクエリアス
Akueriasu?) takes the form of a mermaid, and carries an urn that can unleash
massive torrents of water on her target. She can only be summoned near bodies
of water. She is extremely irritable towards Lucy and oftentimes targets her
instead of her opponents, who are only "unintentionally" washed away
by Aquarius's attacks.[ch. 1] Aquarius occasionally refuses to help Lucy in
favor of spending time with her boyfriend Scorpio,[ch. 143] and teases Lucy
over her single status.[ch. 1] She is one of the spirits initially owned by
Lucy's mother Layla.[ch. 224] In the Japanese version of the series, Aquarius
is voiced by Eri Kitamura. In the English dub, she is voiced by Jessica
Taurus the "Golden Bull"[n 169] (タウロス
Taurosu?) is a large, muscular minotaur-like spirit who makes puns by uttering
cow-like "moo" sounds in his sentences. He wields a giant double-edged
battle axe and possesses Herculean strength, however, he is also a pervert who
gets distracted by Lucy's chest in battle.[ch. 4] In the Japanese version of
the series, Taurus is voiced by Eiji Sekiguchi. In the English dub, he is
voiced by Jeremy Inman.
Cancer the "Giant Crab"[n 170] (キャンサー
Kyansā?) is a humanoid, sunglasses-wearing spirit with six crab legs protruding
from his back, and whose hair resembles two crab claws. He wields a pair of
scissors for hairdressing as well as attacking. Despite representing a crab, he
ends his sentences with the copula -ebi, the Japanese word for shrimp. He is
another one of the spirits that Lucy inherits from her mother.[ch. 224] In the
Japanese version of the series, Cancer is voiced by Yoshimitsu Shimoyama. In the
English dub, he is voiced by Will Short.
Virgo the "Maiden"[n 171] (バルゴ
Barugo?) is a spirit who dresses like a maid and wears chained shackles around
her wrists. She specializes in Diver magic, which allows her to rapidly dig
holes,[ch. 17] and can also manipulate the ground to attack her opponents with
Spica Hole.[ch. 184] She has a masochistic personality, regularly requesting to
be punished after helping her master.[ch. 31] She changes her appearance to
suit her master; when she serves Duke Everlue, she appears as a large,
unattractive "gorilla maid" woman.[ch. 8] However, after Everlue's
arrest, Virgo becomes a young woman with purple hair for Lucy, whom she refers
to as "Princess".[ch. 17] In the Japanese version of the series, Virgo
is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro. In the English dub, she is voiced by Terri Doty.
Sagittarius the "Archer"[n 172] (サジタリウス
Sajitariusu?) is a tall man who wears a horse costume, and regularly utters the
phrase moshi moshi, which means "hello" in Japanese. He possesses
superb archery skills. Lucy obtains his Gatekey as a reward for rescuing the
villagers on Galuna Island.[ch. 46] In the Japanese version of the series,
Sagittarius is voiced by Masaki Kawanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by
Wilbur Penn.
Leo the "Lion"[n 173] (レオ
Reo?) is the leader of the twelve Zodiac spirits,[ch. ?] and the true form of
Fairy Tail member Loke. In the Japanese version of the series, Leo is voiced by
Daisuke Kishio. In the English dub, he is voiced byEric Vale.
Aries the "Ram"[n 174] (アリエス
Ariesu?) is a timid young woman with sheep horns who wears a wool coat. She
attacks her opponents with wool clouds that subdue her opponents.[ch. 172]
Years before the series' present, Aries is owned by Karen Lilica, who abuses
her by having her entertain the men Karen picks up and also using her as a
shield against magical attacks.[ch. 73] However, when Karen threatens to keep
her in the physical world as a form of punishment, Loke summons himself in
place of Aries to protect her.[ch. 73] Her Gatekey is stolen by Angel, who
kills Karen[ch. 143] and later uses her to fight Loke.[ch. 144] After Angel is
defeated and arrested, Aries makes a contract with Lucy as one of her
Gatekeys.[ch. 165] In the Japanese version of the series, Aries is voiced by
Sayaka Narita.[29] In the English dub, she is voiced by Didi Duron.
Gemini the "Twins"[n 175] (ジェミニ
Jemini?) consists of small twin spirits the size of Nikora.[ch. 133,143] They
can combine and mimic the appearances and abilities of other characters, and
can also read their minds.[ch. 133,143] They are introduced as Angel's
spirits,[ch. 133,143] but become moved by Lucy's strong love for Lucy's
celestial spirits and ignore her orders to kill her.[ch. 144] After Angel is
defeated, they reappear to support Lucy in destroying one of the conduits of
Nirvana,[ch. 160] and later form a new contract with Lucy once Angel's arrest
annuls the old contract.[ch. 165] In the Japanese version of the series, the
male spirit, Gemi (ジェミー Jemī?) is voiced by
Yukiyo Fujii, while the female spirit, Mini (ミニー
Minī?) is voiced by Kanami Satō.[34]
Scorpio the "Scorpion"[n 176] (スコーピオン
Sukōpion?) is a young man with a cannon shaped like a scorpion's tail attached
to his backside, with which he can produce sandstorms. He is owned by Angel, who
summons him to counter Lucy's summoning of his girlfriend Aquarius.[ch. 143] He
becomes Lucy's spirit after Angel is defeated and arrested.[ch. 165] In the
Japanese version of the series, Scorpio is voiced by Daisuke Kishio.
Capricorn the "Goat"[n 177] (カプリコーン
Kapurikōn?) is one of the celestial spirits owned by Layla Heartfilia.[ch. 224]
His Gatekey is inherited by Zoldio, but before then, Capricorn makes a pledge
to Layla to protect her family and her future child.[ch. 224] Zoldio fuses with
Capricorn, forming a goat-man named "Caprico" who becomes part of the
Seven Kin of Purgatory. He is eventually freed when Loke blasts Zoldio out of
his body with a Regulus Shot, allowing Capricorn to return to his rightful
owner, Lucy.[ch. 224] In the Japanese version of the series, Capricorn is
voiced by Takaya Kuroda.
Pisces the "Fish"[n 178] (ピスケス
Pisukesu?) are a pair of giant fish that attack and surround their opponent
simultaneously. They are owned by Yukino Aguria,[ch. 280] and is offered to
Lucy after meeting her during the Grand Magic Games.[ch. 282]
Libra the "Scales"[n 179] (ライブラ
Raibura?) takes the form of a thinly-dressed woman carrying weighing scales in
each hand, and has the power to change the weight of her target. She is also
owned by Yukino Aguria, but is also offered to Lucy during the Grand Magic
Games.[ch. 280,282]
Dragons are rare and powerful creatures who are hardly ever seen
by humans, to the extent that the general public doesn't believe they exist.
Dragon Slayers Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox, and Wendy Marvell were each
raised by a different dragon: Igneel (イグニール
Igunīru?) the fire dragon, Metalicana (メタリカーナ
Metarikāna?) the iron dragon, and Grandine (グランディーネ
Gurandīne?, "Grandeeney" in the Del Rey manga translation[ch. 101])
the sky dragon, respectively. The dragons not only taught them how to read and
write, but also how to perform Dragon Slayer magic, which was originally
developed to combat dragons due to their destructive nature. For unknown
reasons, these three dragons disappeared on the same day seven years prior to
the series, leaving their foster children to fend for themselves. Their exact
whereabouts are unknown, though Igneel and Grandeeney are shown to remain in
contact with one another and continue to watch over their foster children from
afar. There also exists a black dragon named Acnologia (アクノロギア
Akunorogia?), which views humanity as insignificant. Acnologia appears on
Tenrou Island during Fairy Tail's S-Class wizard exam as a result of Grimoire
Heart's ambition to resurrect Zeref, seemingly destroying the island and
causing everyone on it to disappear for seven years.