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Genre Adventure, Mecha, Science Fiction, Romance,
by Yūichi Katō
by Kadokawa Shoten
Demographic Shōnen
Magazine Shōnen Ace
run January 2012 – ongoing
TV anime
by Tomoki Kyoda
Music by Kōji Nakamura
Studio Bones
by Funimation Entertainment
Network MBS
run April 12, 2012 – ongoing
Episodes 26 (List of episodes)
Anime and
Manga Portal
Seven: AO (エウレカセブンAO Eureka Sebun Ei Ō?, "Astral
Ocean") is an ongoing mecha anime TV series by Bones, serving as a sequel
to the original Eureka Seven anime. AO tells the story of Ao Fukai, a young boy
who "sets destiny in motion again when he held the power." It is
being adapted into both an anime and a manga.
December 22, 2011, Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Shōnen Ace magazine announced that
a sequel manga titled Eureka Seven: AO would be launched in their January 26
issue. Yūichi Katō is drawing the manga based on the original story by BONES.
Later that same day, an anime adaption of the manga was announced, and began
airing on April 12, 2012, on MBS. The anime has been licensed for streaming and
home video release by Funimation Entertainment who will stream the series on
the video site.
Ao Fukai
is a 13-year-old boy living in the year 2025 in Okinawa on the island of Iwato
Jima with Dr. Toshio Fukai ever since Ao's mother Eureka disappeared 10 years
ago. When a mysterious organization attacks the local Scub Coral, Ao somehow
gets mixed up in the battle and manages to activate a mysterious robot called
the Nirvash while it is being transported by the Self-Defense Forces. Later, Ao
finds out that the Nirvash belonged to Eureka, and by joining her former
companions of Team Pied Piper, he embarks on a journey to find his mother and
learn the truth about his origins.
The mecha
in the anime series Eureka Seven are called LFOs, which stands for Light
Finding Operation. LFOs are bio-mechanical hybrids: armor and control systems
are built upon an organic humanoid "skeleton" excavated from the Scub
Coral. The LFOs in the series are primarily used by the military as an
all-purpose assault unit, capable of engaging targets in both ground and aerial
combat. Military LFOs are dubbed KLFs, which stands for Kraft Light Fighter.
LFOs use
trapar-based propulsion, using ref boards to ride trapar waves in the same
manner as the sport of lifting. On the ground, most LFOs are able to switch
between their humanoid forms and wheeled vehicle forms to make trips easier;
this also has the added benefit of allowing quick travel where the trapar waves
are too weak to ride. This wheeled form also allows them to take off in a
manner somewhat similar to an airplane. Those with vehicle forms are usually
launched in that form and convert to their humanoid forms once airborne. In
cases where no vehicle form is available, a special catapult is usually
Types of
type ZERO
Height: 14.7m (LFO mode), 2.8m (vehicle mode)
Output: 4000/ 120~ 150 9PS/bpm
Speed: 300 km/h (vehicle mode)
Capacity: 2 persons
Nirvash (ニルヴァーシュ Niruvāshu?) type ZERO, along with its pilots
Eureka and Renton, is something of a visual symbol for Eureka Seven, and the
LFO itself is complicit in many of the series' mysteries. The Nirvash type ZERO
was the first archetype discovered, and the LFO created from this archetype was
the base model that many other LFOs were designed around. Both versions of the
Nirvash's outer shell were created by the scientists at Tresor, and both ref
boards were created by Axel Thurston.
LFOs are commonly equipped with a secondary seat, the Nirvash is the only
archetype whose natural shape suggests that it should accommodate two people.
It is also one of the few LFOs capable of operating without a Compac Drive,
thanks to the unique nature of its pilot. However, the Seven Swell phenomenon
it is capable of will only work when a Compac Drive and the Amita Drive are
attached. According to Axel Thurston, the Amita Drive was developed to bring
forth the true potential of the type ZERO and amplifies the effect of the
Compac Drive. The installation of the Amita Drive unlocks the Satori Program
which allows the unleashing of the Seven Swell phenomenon. At times, the
Nirvash has responded to its pilots' commands without the use of its mechanical
interface and even moves on its own to protect them; this is apparently not
exclusive to Renton and Eureka, since Sumner Sturgeon was able to get the
Nirvash to activate through verbal commands when he was forced to pilot it
against his former teammates. It also has the ability to seemingly upgrade
itself to suit its pilots, first in a minor fashion and in a much greater way
later on.
Nirvash's main weapons are a pair of boomerang knives (basic equipment for it
and the Terminus series of LFOs). In addition to these, the Nirvash also
features small chaff and flare launchers on its back to confuse missiles and
dissuade followers. Apart from this, however, the Nirvash is relatively
underpowered when compared to other LFOs, relying more on its high
maneuverability and the skill of its pilots.
not technically a weapon, the Nirvash has the ability to trigger the Seven
Swell, an event which generates a massive pillar of multi-colored trapar.
Though its properties vary, it has the immediate effect of increasing the
trapar count in the surrounding area, usually to the point that even a
trapar-deprived area will become instantly flight-worthy. The trapar can also be
used to disable other LFOs by causing the organic frame to reject the
mechanical components, though this doesn't occur until later in the series.
type ZERO spec2
Eureka and Renton activate the true form of the Seven Swell phenomenon, the
Nirvash's archetype grows and expands beyond its original frame, forcing a
redesign to accommodates its new shape. The upgraded form of the Nirvash type
ZERO is built according to the apparent will of the type ZERO and the physical
growth of the archetype. This results in the slimmer, more jet-like spec2.
The spec2
features a much sleeker design and improved capabilities when compared to the
original, though it features no new armaments. The spec2's cockpit is
redesigned to position the pilots closer together. Back seats are also built
into the spec2. The Compac Drive is attached to a lever, allowing Eureka and
Renton to trigger the Seven Swell phenomenon simply by lifting it into an
upright position. According to Dr. Morita, the spec2 controls identically to
the original with the exception of the mode shift interface. Renton and Eureka
seem to be able to pilot the spec2 with even more proficiency than the original
model, and also are able to control the Seven Swell with much more proficiency
(compared to the more random nature it previously displayed).
spec2's main feature is its ability to transform into a high-speed jet (though
it also retains its car form). In jet form, it can move fast enough to outrun
the END's homing lasers. The spec2 can still move its limbs while in jet mode
(demonstrated when it pulled a blade out to cut a cord while in jet mode in
episode 48). The board of the spec2, unlike the previous board, is split into
two halves that are manually combined by the Nirvash when needed. When not in
use, the halves of the board are attached near the Nirvash's arms. The board
makes up the nose of the spec2 when in jet form.
In the
movie "Pocketful of rainbows", The Nirvash evolves into spec 2 on its
own, instead of being upgraded like in the series. And it now has the Nirvash
type THEEND's homing lasers built in the shoulders, as well as using them in
jet form.
type ZERO spec3
The spec3
is the short-lived final form of the Nirvash, seen in the final episode. At
Renton's insistence that the Nirvash helps him rescue Eureka, the organic
archetype evolves into a fully formed humanoid LFO, patterned with mostly white
limbs and the underlying green glow of a Compac Drive. Instead of Renton
piloting it like a normal LFO, the cockpit now resembles that of the END except
Renton floats and moves his limbs to control the Nirvash, similar to that of
the Mobile Trace System in G Gundam. Its left eye is the same color as
Renton's, the right one being closed. It has no ref board, instead creating trapar
from its own body to propel itself. It can also concentrate and fire trapar in
a single, massive beam from its chest. After Renton uses the Nirvash to rescue
Eureka, its right eye opens to reveal a Coralian-colored eye, much like
Eureka's. However, in the last scene showing the Nirvash, the right eye has
changed from the color of Eureka's pink eyes to the blue of Renton's eyes.
The spec3
also contains visual references to the Gunbuster, such as its initial
appearance, as well as the chest beam's similarity to the Buster Beam.
type ZERO spec V
This form
of Nirvash is seen in the movie "Pocketful Of Rainbows"(American
title as "Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers"). When Nirvash and
the END combine together to take Renton and Eureka to Neverland, they form into
this. This version bears some resemblance to the spec3, by being completely
white, save for black and red streaks across its body, humanoid, and slightly
taller than the average LFO. The biggest difference is that this version has a
lance, which is able to separate into floating devices with a built in beam
cannon. In this form, the Nirvash moves independently, due to Renton being
injured by a gunshot wound. In this form, Renton and Eureka are seen sitting on
a bench-like circular platform. However, Renton can also float and pilot the Nirvash
as he does with the spec3. This version doesn't have a refboard, it instead
creates trapar from its own body like the spec 3. At the end of the movie, the
Nirvash reverts to its larva form as a giant, "expires," and
disappears with a gust of wind, with Renton crying out that he will never
forget it.
type the END
The other
Nirvash shown in the series is type the END (ジ・エンド Ji
Endo?), which is piloted by Anemone. Nothing is known about its creation, but,
like the Nirvash type ZERO, it doesn't seem to need a Compac Drive due to the
nature of its pilot. To pilot it, Anemone is interfaced directly with the
machine through an amorphous, organic frame. Overall, it is much larger than
the type ZERO and colored black instead of white (until shortly before its
destruction). Like the type ZERO, the END is capable of moving on its own,
though it doesn't do so until episode 48. It also has actual eyes, like the
type ZERO. the END perishes in its final appearance in episode 48.
the END,
unlike the type ZERO, is equipped with many weapons. Each of its arms are
equipped with a retractable set of claws, both of which can be fired to attack
opponents at a distance. Each set of claws remains attached to the END with a
large cable and can be controlled through rockets attached to them.
Alternatively, it can utilize a pair of scythe-like knives, seen in episode 48.
the END also comes equipped with three sets of homing lasers, one on each
shoulder and another on its pelvis. Its final weapon is a massive directed energy
weapon known as "Bascude Crisis". It is fired from two plates on the
END's chest and later gains the "Vahalla Swell" technique in a tag
team with the Ageha squad, a move that eliminates all anti-body coralians
within its radius. It also features a unique ref board that can be split into
two skis for better maneuvering.
Mon-Soono (モンスーノ Monsūno?) is standard combat LFO used by the
United Federation Force. Designed to be piloted by amateurs, the Mon-Soono
series uses a Compac feedback system which helps the pilots mimic the actions
of seasoned ref boarders. The quality of the pilots seems to make a great
difference in the effectiveness of the craft; in the hands of an ace like
Captain Saville of Sawyer Team, the Mon-Soono can be deadly effective, but the
untrained pilots in most squadrons easily fall prey to the skilled members of
cockpits typically features three display screens and pilots who wear helmets
with several digital eyes. These eyes appear to be able to split to observe the
various screens or converge into one eye to focus on one screen. All versions
of the Mon-Soono have a secondary vehicle form.
Mon-Soono have different weaponry depending on the type. The type20 has a
weapons turret attached to the rear of its torso, behind the head, which can
mount either a laser cannon and homing missile pod, or two of either one. It
can also carry a scaled-up assault rifle in its hands, and there is a tank gun
mounted on each shoulder-wing. A lighter-armored type10 also exists, but there
appear to be no outwardly visible differences between the two (in episode 20,
Holland's screen shows two MS10 units and two MS20's approaching him, but when
he actually encounters them all four KLFs are drawn as identical machines).
Noticeably, the units marked as MS10's are typically equipped with two missile
pods, while MS20's usually have a laser cannon.
Terminus (ターミナス Tāminasu?) line was created for use by the
special forces. Because of its power output, the Terminus models are especially
hard to handle and aren't used much by the start of the series. By the time the
series begins, the only remaining models are in the hands of rear-echelon
units, collectors, and Gekkostate. It should be noted that all the
"types" in this series are also drum kits used by sound editors,
thereby keeping with the music theme in the overall series.
height: 13.7m (LFO mode), 2.6m (vehicle mode)
Output: 3400/110~140 (PS/bpm)
Velocity: 280 km (vehicle mode)
capacity: 2 persons
typeR606 is mainly piloted by Matthieu, accompanied by Stoner, for most of the
series. The typeR606 is yellow-orange in color and features a two person
cockpit, which takes up most of its upper torso and covers the area where a
standard Terminus' head is mounted. Its high maneuverability and short
activation time makes it the easiest craft to pilot. It is equipped with a pair
of boomerang knives, an arm-mounted chain gun, but no fixed directed energy
weaponry. In episode 20, Holland pilots the 606 with a large beam weapon
mounted on its right arm, in place of a boomerang knife. The 606 is seen
equipped with this weapon again in episodes 40-42.
Height: 13.2 (LFO mode), 2.7m (vehicle mode)
Output: 4100/110~130(PS/bpm)
Velocity: 260 km (vehicle mode)
Capacity: 1 person
typeR808 is piloted by Hilda. It is baby blue in color, and its head has
sensors only on the left side, giving it a peculiar asymmetrical appearance. It
is equipped with a pair of flying-disc knives and a dual high-power long-range
laser cannon, giving it the most firepower of the Gekko LFOs. It has a very
high power consumption, so its range of activity is limited. This LFO is
specialized for a rear position in battle.
Height: 13.2m (LFO mode), 2.7m (vehicle mode)
Output: 3800/110~160 (PS/bpm)
Velocity: 300 km (vehicle mode)
Capacity: 1 person
typeR909 is piloted by Holland until it is destroyed by theEND. It is magenta
in color, and its head has a pair of pentagonal sensors, arranged one above the
other. It is equipped with a pair of boomerang knives and a high-power laser
cannon. It was designed as a successor to the 808 and addressed most of its
shortcomings. However, the changes to the fuselage caused its center of gravity
to be shifted downward, making precise control difficult. Like the Mon-Soono
series, it has an optional Compac feedback system.
typeB303 "Devilfish" (デビルフィッシュ
Debirufisshu?) is piloted by Holland. The typeB303 "Devilfish" is one
of the most powerful and dangerous LFOs, due to its unique design. Unlike other
LFOs, it is not equipped with a limiter, which allows it to function to the
very zenith of its capabilities. However, to keep up, the pilot must take
special drugs which enhances their nervous system to keep them from blacking
out. Constant intake of these drugs can have dire consequences and is
considered near-suicidal.
Devilfish is silver in color and has the novel ability to function in both
space and planetary atmospheres. It was apparently in top-secret storage for
some time, before Holland retrieves it to replace his destroyed typeR909. The
Devilfish is armed with two laser cannons and a set of smaller homing lasers,
both built into the shoulders. The ref board of the Devilfish also features
powerful verniers for quick thrusts in certain directions. It is capable of
flying at considerable speed for an unknown distance without a ref board thanks
to rockets mounted on its back. It also has a Compac Feedback System that
brings the LFO at its maximum power.
typeR505 is used by Sumner Sturgeon in TR1: New Wave. Additionally, it was used
by Holland when he was still in the Special Operations Forces, and used by the
pilots of the second SOF squadron (including Logica) in the manga, when it was
reformed by Dewey. Sumner's unit is black and white in color, since it was originally
intended to be a spare-parts machine for his squadron; the standard type is
olive drab, and the SOF's standard 505 is navy blue. All stock 505s have a
single visor-shaped main sensor on their "face," and a smaller
secondary sensor above it; the SOF types, including Sumner's, also have a pair
of fin-shaped antennae on their head. The 505 is notable in that it was one of
the first mass-produced LFO's ever to be equipped with a fully functional
The 505
is equipped with a pair of boomerang knives and has a variety of optional back
weapons, including various laser guns, machine guns, railguns, rocket
launchers, and a quad missile launcher pod intended for aerial combat. Sumner's
is upgraded over the years, including the addition of a ref-board, and later
custom modifications which appear to add two five-tube missile launchers to the
sides, increased speed and agility, and a modified head module with four
eye-like sensors.
Spearhead (スピアヘッド Supiaheddo?) is a special combat LFO that
doesn't lift using a board, instead using ref board-like plates attached to its
back near the waist. The only model that appears in the series is the SH-101,
two of which are seen piloted by Charles and Ray. The SH-101 is equipped with
several lasers on independently mobile mounting points and a pair of large
retractable knives in its forearms. It also has a battering ram on its head to
smash holes through windows or other weak points on an enemy craft.
The VC10
is a special anti-Coralian KLF unit deployed by Dewey Novak's Ageha Squad
during his campaign against the Coralians. They do not use ref boards, instead
relying on their oversized feet, which perform the same function. The VC10
units operate in a squad and can also link up and transmit their units' energy
to power up the Nirvash type the END, which uses the energy to emit a field,
the Vahalla Swell, which is the Nirvash type the END's equivalent to the
Nirvash type Zero's Seven Swell. It instantly petrifies Coralians. The use of
the VC10 is specialized for Coralian combat, so it is not featured prominently
within the series. They are only six VC10 models, and they all fight alongside
the Nirvash type the END.
appearing in TR2: New Vision, the Flestnia (フレストニア Furestonia?)
is an LFO made by Azure, one of the top lifting brands. Its creators claim that
it is an original design, but it is actually an illegally made copy of the
Terminus typeR505. Sumner Sturgeon acquires a Flestnia as first prize for
winning the Bester Cup lifting tournament, which is taken by Ruri after he gets
his 505 back.
Flestnia looks nearly identical to the Terminus models that it is based on,
with the most glaring difference being its oddly shaped head and vaguely
insectoid "face". Ruri's model is bright red and armed with a single
long-range laser cannon, a pair of boomerang knives, and homing missiles. Some
versions, including those used by Azure, are equipped with a Compac Feedback
rarely seen Wyvern (ワイバーン Waibān?) is an elite military KLF, first
seen in TR2: New Vision, that was designed as a testbed for advanced CFS
technology. It looks extremely similar to an ordinary Mon-Soono unit, with
several key differences, namely its blue-gray paint job and disk-shaped head
module. Wyverns are armed with four multi-purpose laser cannons mounted on a
spoiler-like turret behind their heads, which can fire either normal beams or
homing lasers (similar to those used by the END). They also carry assault
rifles, like their Mon-Soono counterparts. Former Sawyer Team pilots Shaun and
Pez piloted Wyverns in their last battle against Sumner Sturgeon.
The Scud
Bike (スカッドバイク Sukaddo Baiku?) is a small, agile LFO that
was developed for use by the State Military, but was eventually made available
to civilians. It can transform into a fast, two-wheeled vehicle, as its name
suggests, and its speed was highly praised by riders before lifting became
popular. It is shaped rather oddly, with an elongated body that is attached directly
to the head and no neck in between. Its face sports a single eye, similar to
that of the Mon-Soono.
models are painted navy blue, and are armed with an autocannon and homing
missiles, while custom models can vary wildly. One variation is red, with a
large, high-powered laser cannon replacing the autocannon, while the ones seen
in episode 5 are green and have huge speakers on their back instead of weapons;
since the ones sporting weapons are flown by pirates, it stands to reason that
such weapons couldn't be legally obtained by civilians.
Lightning Seed (ライトニングシーズ Raitoningu Shīzu?) is Roddy Flame's personal
LFO in the game Eureka Seven: New Vision. It is a powerful experimental model
and was the first LFO to be equipped with a Compac Feedback System. Reflectors
in the legs allow it to fly for a short time without a ref-board. The Lightning
Seed was eventually sidelined for use as a testbed for CFS production.
armament consisted of a double-barreled laser cannon and homing lasers and its
already-impressive maneuverability was further augmented by the CFS. It was
destroyed in combat with Sumner Sturgeon during the battle for Thundercloud
(ジ・アザーワン Ji Azāwan?) serves as Lt. Steven Bisson's
personal LFO in the game Eureka Seven: New Vision. It is a special,
experimental KLF model that features heavy weapons, including a large laser
cannon and multiple missile launchers and a CFS system. It has unmatched
firepower and uses a unique disc-shaped ref-board at the cost of decreased
maneuverability. It has the ability to purge its outer weapons and armor to
become highly mobile.
piloted TheOtherOne against Sumner Sturgeon in their final battle near
Thundercloud Tower. Sumner was able to narrowly defeat him in pitched combat,
and both the unit and its pilot were destroyed by Gillian after crashing.
there is little information as to the exact nature of the Compac Drive, it
appears that it acts as an interface with whatever it is hooked up to, from
simple machines, such as motorcycles, to more advanced heavy machinery, such as
LFOs. Norb described these devices as "amplifiers" of the planet's
thoughts (the trapar waves), and that their name is derived from kon (meaning
soul), which is attracted to the planet, and paku (meaning body), which is
attracted to people. Certain individuals, like Eureka and Anemone, are able to
interface with LFOs without the need for a Compac drive. This is because of
their connection with the Scub Coral; they are able to communicate directly
with the Nirvash's archetypes as a result.
Amnita Drive is a special component created by Adroc Thurston to
"complete" the Nirvash. It unlocks the Nirvash's hidden Satori
program, which allows for the unleashing of the Seven Swell Effect. The Amnita
Drive normally cannot be removed from the Compac Drive, and has been removed
twice, when Adroc forcibly removed the Compac Drive during the Summer of Love
which resulted in his disappearance and when Eureka removed it in episode 19 of
the series resulting in her travelling momentarily to the eighth dimension and
being covered in the scub coral. Somehow the Amnita Drive found its way to
Adroc's father, Axel, who passed it on to Renton in the first episode.
Feedback System
Compac Feedback System (commonly abbreviated to CFS) is an ability-enhancing
device installed in some military KLFs. Activating the CFS causes the LFO's
Compac Drive to shine bright red. When activated, it enhances the pilot's
ability to shocking heights, but not without drawbacks. Overuse of this system
can induce insanity and a sense of invincibility in the pilot.
In TR2:
The New Vision, CFSs play a large part in the storyline. It is revealed the
CFSs have the moves of the army's star pilots programmed into it, allowing a
standard pilot to perform extraordinary feats.
While the
original Eureka Seven featured robots known as "LFOs" (Light Finding
Operations), Eureka Seven: AO features robots known as "IFOs"
(Intelligent Flying Objects). The main IFO in the series is the RA272 Nirvash (ニルヴァーシュ Niruvāshu?), also known as the Mark I, as it
is the first ever IFO. Developed as a joint project between the American and
French armed forces for the Japanese army, the Nirvash was being transported by
the Japanese military despite it being taken out of commission years earlier.
When Ao comes into contact with it, he is somehow able to reactivate it, even
though it has been immobile for 10 years. Eureka named this IFO the Nirvash
after the original Nirvash LFO, and made sure that both she and Ao would be
able to pilot it.
Prior to
Ao joining them, Team Pied Piper only had two IFOs. The RA164 Alleluia (アレルヤ Areruya?) is an IFO used by Team Pied Piper
that is primarily piloted by Fleur Blanc, built for electronic warfare. It is
highly mobile, but it is not heavily armed. The other Team Pied Piper IFO is
the RA304 Kyrie (キリエ Kirie?) piloted by Elena Peoples and
designed for long-range combat. It is heavily armed, but it is not very mobile.
Goldilocks has three IFOs at its disposal. Maeve McCaffrey pilots the RA121
Gloria (グロリア Guroria?), which is specialized for airborne
combat. The RA302 Credo (クレド
Kuredo?), piloted by Maggie Kwan, specializes in heavy artillery. The RA169
Requiem (レクイエム Rekuiemu?) piloted by Chloe McCaffrey is
specialized for electronic reconnaissance.
In the
world of Eureka Seven: AO, Okinawa Prefecture has become an independent nation
from Japan, existing as the Union of the Okinawa Islands (沖縄諸島連合 Okinawa Shotō Rengō?), offcially the United
Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands (沖縄及び琉球諸島連合国 Okinawa Oyobi Ryūkyū Shotō Rengōkoku?), consisting of the real
world Okinawa and Sakishima Islands, with its capital city being Naha,
officially the Naha Metropolis Special Administrative District (那覇首都機構・特別行政区 Naha Shuto Kikō Tokubetsu Gyōseiku?). This
nation was created after the the governments of Okinawa, China, and Japan
settled after a recent war as a result of a Scub Burst. Okinawa lost fishing
rights to China and the locals still believe they are not truly independent,
but the nation is surrounded by a Trapar bubble that allows for the use of FPs.
Iwato Jima (磐戸島?), the island that is home to the main
characters, is in territory disputed by the three parties. Still, the Japanese
Armed Forces (日本軍 Nippongun?) often perform operations in its
former territory.
The IFOs
or Intellligent Flying Objects are the successors to the LFOs from Eureka
Seven. They are humanoid robots created by combining FP technology with the
Scub Coral (スカブコーラル Sukabu Kōraru?). "FP" stands for
"Flying Platform", a vehicle that is a cross between an automobile
and an airplane that uses Trapar waves (トラパー Torapā?,
short for Transparence Light Particles (トランサパランス・ライト・パーティクル Toransaparansu Raito Pātikuru?)), a clean
energy source naturally produced by the Scub Coral, to fly at an altitude of 10
metres (33 ft). Scub Coral seem to appear out of nowhere on Earth, but when
they do a Coralian-like being called a "Secret" (シークレット Shīkuretto?) is nearby. Known by the
Okinawan locals as a G-Monster (Gモンスター Jī
Monsutā?), the Secret will seek out a Scub Coral outcropping to initiate a
phenomenon called the Scub Burst (スカブバースト Sukabu
Bāsuto?), which causes massive destruction around them. A Scub Burst of such
power occurred ten years prior to the beginning of the series, until a being
the locals call the "Sea Giant" (海巨人(うみきょんちゅ) Umi Kyonchu?) saved the people of the island. The area around a
Scub Coral is called the ZOA or Zone Out of Action. A Secret within the ZOA
cannot detect the presence of IFOs. At the center of a Scub Coral outcropping
is a nucleus called the "Quartz" (クオーツ
Kuōtsu?). By removing the Quartz, the Trapar waves in the surrounding area
plummet and the Secret that is seeking out the Scub Coral to initiate a Scub
Burst will disappear. It is one of Team Pied Piper's missions to collect
Quartzes. The use of IFOs and FPs is only possible by the use of the Plant
Corals (プラントコーラル Puranto Kōraru?), Scub Corals that have been
harvested upon their arrival in order to produce Trapar waves. The Scub Coral
at the center of the Scub Burst in Okinawa ten years ago is the world's largest
Plant Coral and is used to power much of the world's Trapar-based energy.
(ヨハンソン Yohanson?) is a popular author who opposes
the globalist tactics of the current United States, and his books are widely
read throughout the world.